Chapter 8

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I kiss the pendent and I say out loud,"Power Pendent, Mewtamorphsis!". Suddenly, I'm surrounded by darkness. Then a glowing light starts to shimmer right behind me and the location is different. It's almost as if.. I'm in a different demension.

I then open my eyes and swipe my hands down as if a Bengal Tiger were clawing thier prey and I catch myself in a running position as if I were in a race. I then run as fast as a Cheeta and track shorts and a uniform top are on me, but they are orange with a black piping around the edging. As I run, a Tiger tail and ears appear and my Mew Mew Mark is glowing orange. I then develop Tiger Strips on my face and stomach,as if I had a tiger stripe on my skin. My eyes are blue but then I blink and they turn a firey orange. I jump as if I jumped off a trampoline and my hair turn into three colors: Staring from the top is dark red and changing into a lighter orange and the tips are a light yellow. I land softly and my transformation is complete.

I am now a Mew Mew.

"Yes! We have Mewtamorphsis!", Zoey exclaimes. I look at my hands, I look at my shorts and shirt, I look at my shoes. My heart is beating fast.


I'm a Mew Mew."

"You sure are! You look great, Cassidy!", Zoey exclaims.

"Now watch closely", Zoey instructs me. I focus my attention to Zoey, trying to calm my nerves and let the excitment cool down.

"Strawberry Bell!", Zoey says and reaches out her hand and a glowing heart figure appears and Zoey grabs a hold of the object in her hands. "You see that? Just shout of the first thing on your mind and that will be your own attack."

I hesiate.

I see something. It's one of Dren's Predicite's again! Two in one night!My mind is blank as a blank page. But I must think of something.

"Quickly, think of something! Anything!", Zoey says urgently.

I hesitated but I aimed my arrow directly at my target.

"FireBolt Attack!"

I released my arrow and the wooden fruit boxes immediatly set on fire.

"Oh my gosh!", I say, lowering my weapon. I quickly summon to dissapear. I run to the water fountain and set out the fire. "That was a very close one", I say under my breath.

I turn back to Zoey.

"I think it's time I walked home now. My parents will be worried anyways", I say slightly dissapointed for this night to come to an end. I started to walk when I glowed and then transformed into my normal self again. I was happy to be myself but I now understand that I have a secret to keep. I have to be very careful or else I'll risk giving away my secret. I don't know if this is the right path or the smart path or the wrong path for that matter. But I do know that this is the start of something new.

A new beginning.

A new life.

Mew Mew Power: The Sixth Mew MewWhere stories live. Discover now