Chapter 17

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I rush over to Cassidy, who's laying on the ground, unconsious. I shake her to try and wake her up. She groans and slowly opens her eyes.
"Cassidy? Can you hear me? Cassidy, I'm gonna help you... Here, uhh.... hold on, Cassidy", I say in a shakey, panick voice. I whip out my phone and call Wesley immediatly. I dial the number on my cell phone, my hands shaking and my heart racing. "Wesley! I need your help! Please!"
"Zoey, what's going on?"
"It's Cassidy! If we don't help her now, she might not make it..."
"Zoey, just remain calm. We'll be there in
a few minuets", he replyed with, the hung up. I slowly closed up my phone and placed it back into my pocket. I closed my eyes; I felt my body currculating all different kinds of energy. Dren wasn't going to get away with this. I opened my eyes again with a rage of fire in them. Dren was going to pay for what he's done. He hurt my fellow Mew, my best friend. He's not going to get away with this.
Wesley finally arrived along with the rest of the Mews.
"Zoey!", he shouted and he ran closer to our location.
"We came as soon as we could...", he started. "Wesley, can you take care of Cassidy?", I ask in a depressive tonn of voice.
"Of course. What are you going to do?", he asks me with kindness.
"I'm going to find Dren, and make him pay for what he's done", I said with determaination.
"Zoey, I know you care but you can't fight Dren off yourself. I think you may need help to fight him off", Wesley said.
"Then go tell the others that I'm going to find Dren." I then decided to transform. It was evening by now, so no one would see me. I pulled my Power Pendent from my jacket pocket and knew there was no one going back. "Power Pendent, Mewtamorphsis!"

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