Chapter 7

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I wake up on the pavement on the empty street, not a single soul in sight. I rise and realize where I am: In town. "How did I get here?", I ask myself. I walk in silence along the sidewalk and I can sence something strong, vibrating in the light gust of wind. I hear something in the wind:

A voice.

I can scence danger around the corner of each building, someone is following me....

but who could be around at this time of day?

No one is here....

I spot an alley way and I look down the urban hallway. I could see a trashbin, and.... a person.

Who could be wondering around town at this hour? Once again, I, myself was walking in the opening so it shouldn't be too awkward.

I can see clearly its a girl and she's frightend by....

My eyes widen and anger boils in my veins.

It's that alien-freak Dren again.

The girl notices me in the distance and shouts out my name in horror.

"ZOEY! HELP ME PLEASE! I BEG YOU!!", she shouts.

That wasn't any scream.

That was Cassidy's scream.

Dren looks over his shoulder and spots me as well

and might as well be living in a cage. He's so evil and powerful, picking on innocent girls like that.

"Ahh I see the cat has wondered into the trap again!", Dren said with a snarl.

"What are you doing here?!? You can't pick on innocent girls like that whenever you want, you cruel beast!", I shout out.

I have to save her, but my secret......

"Well Zoey? Arn't you going to transform and save her?", Dren says, still pressuring me.

"What do you mean 'Transform'? How do you know each other? What's going on?", she asks, breathing heavly, nervous as to what will happen next.

"I'll explain everything later, Cassidy! You can't trust this guy!", I shout at Cassidy.

I look to the ground then back at Cassidy once more.

"I hope you will accept me for who I am and that I am someone you can trust."

I reach to my pocket and retrieve my Power Pendent.

"Power Pendent, Mewtamorphsis!", I shout out.


I stand there, embarressed to not have said anything sooner but I didn't have a choice. I have to do what I have to do, even if it costs my secret.

"Wha- what are you?", Cassidy asks in a cautios way.

"I'm a Mew Mew. But right now isn't the time for explaining."

"I couldn't agree more, Zoey!", Dren said, interfering with my consentration.

"Alright Dren, here's the deal: I give you a kiss and you leave us her alone!"

"A kiss?", Dren asks.

Of course, I wasn't thinking. I was just tired of him.

"Out of all the things you could think of, you choose to bargain with a kiss?", Cassidy asks, as if that was the most insane move I could make.

I ignored her and walked up to Dren. I leaned in and kissed him...

on his cheek not his lips. I slipped to te side of his face right at the right time.

"There. I gave you a kiss. Now you leave her alone."

Dren was confused and startled.

"Wha- What? No! This can't be happening!", he said.

"Next time, I'll get that true love's kiss.", he said before disapearing.

"In your dreams, Dren!", I shout back as he rippled out of the scene.

"Speaking of dreams, am I in one?", Cassidy asks.

"This can't be happening. Was this why you were acting strange in school? Because of this huge secret?", Cassidy asks.

"Please don't tell. If anyone finds out, I'll be known at school as the 'Freak Girl With The Pink Hair' ", I pleaded.

"I won't tell. I promise. And I keep my promises."

"You can trust me", I say with caring eyes.

"Okay?", I ask for an agreement.

"Okay.", Cassidy finally agrees.

Mini Mew poffs next to me and opens his mouth to reveal something that was very rare. Something that was in the rightful hands. The trusting hands. The future's hands.

"That is called a Power Pendent. You kiss the pendent and you'll be a Mew Mew like me...

would you like to test it out?", I ask generously.

Cassidy hesitates but then gives me her final anwser.

"What do I do first?", she says with a smile.

"Welcome to Team Mew Mew", I say.

Suddenly, I wasn't nervous anymore.

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