Chapter 12

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That afternoon, I sprinted home, I couldn't bare to be humiliated like this, especially in front of my friends  I just had to admit it to myself: I'm a freak-show. LOOK AT ME! I have a tail, I have cat ears... and my hair is orange and black! It's like a... tiger...

Wait a minute... This is all too good to be true. Am I really a tiger trapped inside a girl's body? Is this really happening? All these questions made me confused. I decided to walk to the Mew Mew Cafe and ask the girls what happened to them and how they reacted when they first discovered they were a Mew Mew. Mabey if I had some backround as to why I turned into a Mew Mew, I could appreciate myself more and be comfortable in my own skin. Everyone's different and that's not a bad thing... right?

I walked through the Cafe doors and made my way towards the kitchen to start my first shift. I spotted Zoey cleaning up a used tea-cup and and plate with a half-eaten Chocolate Mewberry Pie. "Excuse me, Zoey?", I started slowly. Zoey looked up from what she was doing and had her attention on me. "Oh, hey Cassidy! Feeling better?", she asked with a smile on her face. "Uhh.. much better, thanks", I replied, but quickly changed the subject.

"Zoey, could I... talk to you for a second... in private?", I asked discretly.

Zoey looked up with a concerned look on her face. "You feeling alright?", she asked.

"Yes, I'm fine! Now come with me! I need to talk to you, NOW!", I said with a stern tone of voice, and pulled her back into the kitchen. 

"What's gotten into you? You've been so... so stubborn latley!", she said and pulled her arm away from me. I was appaled by her response. She was definatly overracting.

"You're one to talk, hypocrite!", I yelled back in defence. I could tell she didn't like that at all and steam and "The Red Mark" appeared on her head. "WHY YOU LITTLE...!", Zoey started raging but before she could finish, Elliot stepped in and told us that all the Mews had to have a meeting. Zoey and I both staredat each other, reading both our minds: "This isn't over". 

When all the Mews were assembled together downstairs in the basement of Cafe Mew Mew, Elliot started off the meeting.

"The reason we've gathered you here is to tell you all something very important."

"It's probably the most exciting news we've had yet."

Then the news came: "Cassidy is the newest member of the Mew Mew Team!", Wesley annouced. 

"Wow. I'm thriiled to learn something I already know and is already obvious. What else is new? Aliens invade Earth and are harrasing Zoey and stealling her boyfriend?", I said with sarcasm.

Zoey was astonished by my combat. "You... did NOT GO THERE!".  I smiled back and had a smirk on my face. "Sometimes, you have to step OUTSIDE your comfort zone to notice that you're completely obnoxious.", I said and then I focused my attention back to Wesley. "Please continue what you were going to say. I'm sure EVERYONE would enjoy to hear it."

"As I was saying", Wesley continued,"Cassidy is the newest member of the Mew Mew Team. We ran some tests and we've noticed something big: It turns out that Cassidy has the same strength that Zoey has, in fighting and problem-solving."

"We've also learned that Cassidy has more agility and speed than Zoey as well. But most importantly, she has more leadership skills and the strength to lead this team to defeat thoose aliens and predictes."

My eyes widened... was it true?

"Wait-wait... are you saying that I'm....", I couldn't finish my sentence that this was too good to be true.

"Yes it's true. Cassidy Cole is the rightful leader of the Mew Mews".

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