Chapter 14

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While I was working at Café Mew Mew, I glanced over at Cassidy; she looked depressed and had a sad expression plastered on her face. I walked over to her to check in with her.

"You okay, Cassidy?", I asked in a soothing tone of voice.

"Uhh.. yeah... I... I guess so", Cassidy studdered and turned her back to me and proceeded mopping the floor.

"Are you sure? You studdered a lot and you've been quiet latley.

"I'm fine okay!? Leave me alone", Cassidy said. She placed the mop in my hand and left the Café, not telling where she was heading.

"Why don't you girls follow her and find out what she's up to", Elliot suggested.

All the Mews nodded and followed her.

"Zoey!", I was called to Wesley and I stayed behind.

"I want you to make sure that Cassidy isn't going to hurt herself. Make sure she's safe. She's new at being the leader of Mew Mews so just keep a keen eye on her."

I nodded in approval. "Sure, no problem."

I quickly jogged to catch up with the rest of the Mews. Something was bothering Cassidy, and I needed to protect her. I hope she's alright.

We finally catch up to Cassidy and she's down an alleyway. I become tense and I hesitated.

"Cassidy!", I called after her.

She turned around, holding her Power Pendent in the palms of her hands. My eyes become wide.
"Cassidy, tell us what's wrong! We need to know what's happen--"

"Shhh!", she cut me off. This was becoming from mysterous to eriee.

"I sence a predisite is apon us", she said in a calm voice.

"Everyone transform", Cassidy said in a tone mature voice. Everyone toke out thier Power Pendent and kissed the face of thier gold Pendent.

"Mew Mew fusion, Mew Mew fate, Super nature, Activate! Power Pendent: Mewtamorphesis!"

After everyone was transformed into their rightful Mew Mew, Dren stopped by.

"Why isn't it my favorite little Mew Mew Sqaud!", Dren exclamined.

"Shut your trap, Dren!", I yelled back.

"If I shut my trap then I wouldn't be able to say that I've kidnapped your boyfriend then", he replied back.

My eyes grew wide in fear.

"Mark! What have you done to him!?", I asked Dren.

"Oh, I was just doing a little science experiment to see if your boy has any Blue Aqua."

"Why would Mark have any?", I asked.

Dren flew closer to me, face to face.

"If you give me a kiss, I'll tell you."

I was appalled by his request and slapped him on the face. He touched his hand to his face.

His cheek started to swell, slightly.

"Don't harrass me like that ever again", I said in an angry tone.

Dren was silent for a second then he spoke once more.

"You're no fun. I'll just show you him."

Mark was attached to a tube that was sucking out all of the Blue Aqua out of his soul. Around him was a protective bubble where no one could touch him.

I ran up to him, trying to break free of the bubble but it was too strong. The bubble shocked me and made a scratch on my side. I cringed in pain.

"You're a monster!", I yelled and toke a running start and leaped into the air. I attacked him but he went under me. I turned around quickly, feeling the power of my love for Mark grow stronger through every stride. I pinned Dren to a building close by.

He fought back and pinned me to the ground. I yelled with pain and searched for the others. They were trying to free Mark. They were doing this for me. I couldn't give up. I closed my eyes, feeling the power left in me glow with fury. I opened my eyes and pushed Dren off me. "You can mess with me but not with Mark! He's my boyfriend and I love him!". My strength made me cry but I didn't look away from Dren. The tears fell upon my shoulder and crawled down my arm. My scratch glowed a Blue Aqua color and dissolved away. Instead of a scratch left behind, a pink heart mark was left. The heart electrifyed to life and sent electric shocks down my arm and then across my whole body. I closed my eyes and I saw the scene when Elliot told the team that Cassidy was the leader. The rightful leader. I opened my eyes once more and I released Dren from my grip. I flew right above Mark's electrice bubble and I dived into his cage. The bubble separtated into two parts, crashing the opposite ways of each other, creating a whirl- wind of dust. The Mew Team ducked for cover. Dust was all that could be seen.

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