"Yeah that's why we clean the upper floors, we're not stupid Abby, It's not because it's an order coming from Isaac that we will go risking our lives."

"Just be careful. Alright ?"

"I will be."

I stood up and I left Abby. I opened the door and I went to my room to take a bag with some food and clothes. It will take time to clean the hospital certainly days and I went outside for joining Nora. I saw her in the car with others soldiers. 

"We are waiting for you."

"Well I'm here." 

I got in the car on the passenger seat next to Nora. She drove and I put some music. 

______________________________3 days after______________________________

I was carrying boxes when I heard a noise coming from behind me. I put the boxes on the ground and I drew my gun. Lately intruders entered on our territory and killed some of our soldiers so I am wary. I waited for the person and then I heard boxes falling. I turned around and I saw Abby. I could see a mark on her neck. 

"Abby ?"

"Zoya ?"

"What are you doing here ? And what happened to you ?"

"That's a long story and I don't have time. I need medical stuff."

She offered me a list where I could see that they were medical stuff writing on it. It seems to be Mel's handwriting. 

"Why do you need that ?"

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry."


She looked at me in silence so I gave up.

"I'm sorry but all of the medical stuff that you want is already on the way to Isaac. I can't help you."

"You are sure that there is no more medical stuff on this list that is staying in this hospital ?"

"Well, I know that in the below levels there is medical stuff who is staying certainly the one who are on your list, but you said it yourself it's the epicentre of the epidemic. I don't know what you will found there."

"I need this stuff. I have to go. Thanks."

"Wait !"

I took her hand and I looked at her.

"Who's hurt ?"

"I don't have time."

"You're losing time in not telling me what happened."

"You will certainly think I'm crazy but it's a Scar."

I release her hand and I tried to assimilate what she was saying to me.

"His name is Lev. He and his sister Yara saved me from the others Scars and Yara is hurt badly. I need medical stuff for her. Mel and Owen are with them at the aquarium, Mel will operate on her."

"Then go. You don't have time for talking."

Abby smiled at me and then she took back her list and she started leaving the room.

"If you want, you can join us at the aquarium when you'll have finished."

"I'll be there."


She smiled and I smiled back and then she left the room and she went to the isolation rooms. I kept cleaning the last boxes that I had, for at least half an hour when I felt a knife under my neck. I raised my hands and I heard her talking.

Abby Anderson one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now