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Hope you all liked the story so far. I would appreciate it if you all could stop being silent readers and start voting and posting comments. Next chapter will be posted only after I see some positive response in this story.

I will talk to you all in the next chapter, till then HAVE FUN READING!



It was 9:00 PM, I was sitting on the couch and having my dinner alone because Cabir just called a few minutes back to inform me that he was going to stay at the Malhotra Mansion tonight as they have to come up with a new song within the next 2 days because they cleared the first round for the Goenka Labels training programme. The Malhotras and FAB5 asked me to join them, but I avoided saying that I am going to work on the designs for the next season collection.

I avoided them because if I had joined them then they would spend some time talking to me and get distracted, and they couldn't afford that now. Goenka Labels training programme is their only hope. FAB5 is not as popular as it used to be, they have been rejected by various labels, their latest album was a huge flop, they only got that album because of Manik's new girlfriend Riya. Her father owns a music company. I'm not a huge fan of Riya and neither are Cabir and Mukti, sometimes I even feel that Alya doesn't like her but she doesn't say anything especially because of Dhruv, he likes Riya a lot as FAB5 got an album because of her. FAB3 and I don't like her cause we feel that although she likes Manik, she has her own agenda for being with him, And Manik although claims to be in a relationship with her but doesn't like her more than a friend. 

I probably can never like any girl who becomes Manik's girlfriend until and unless it is Nandini, because I've seen how much she loved him, plus she was my best friend, well she still is if only I could meet her or talk to her. I hate Manik for what he did to Nandini, if I'm asked to choose between Manik and Nandini, I would always choose my Nandu. But over the years I have noticed that Manik misses her a lot, there have been many nights in the past 5 years when he called me or came to Cabir and my house just to talk about Nandini. He misses her a lot, he wants to apologize to her what the mistake he made, I have seen him crying and sometimes sleeping on my lap while I tell him stories about Nandini, but I don't know if it is his love towards Nandini or guilt for what he has done.

I still remember that day 5 years back, the day after the competition, the day after Manik got his first album, the day that changed my whole life. After Nandini's and Akshay Dhawan's duet I followed Nandini to the green room but before I could go in, I saw Manik enter her green room and lock the door. I thought maybe just maybe Manik realised his mistake and decided to apologise her. I was outside the green room, I heard their conversation, I was disgusted with Manik. Once he left the room I went inside to check on Nandini, she behaved as nothing happened, I could feel her trying to distance herself from me, but I ignored thinking she was too sad and hurt. I wanted to comfort her but she told me that she was tired and she is going home, and she has a present for me which I will receive the next day. Thinking that she needed some space, I didn't push her much, so, I left for Cabir and my apartment.

The next day Cabir and I woke up around 10:00 AM with a huge banging sound on the door, we got scared but then Cabir saw through the peeping hole that it was Manik so he opened the door and asked Manik the reason for almost breaking down the door. Manik without answering him came to me and asked me to call Nandini as he couldn't reach her, for the first 10-15mintues I insulted Manik for what all he did, Cabir didn't utter a word to stop me because even he blamed Manik for what he did to Nandini after I finished my rant, I saw Manik had bowed his head down. Then Manik told me he wasn't able to contact Nandini, her phone was switched off, so he went to chacha-chachi's house to talk to Nandini, there he was informed that Nandini left that place a month and a half back and that they can't inform anything about Nandini to anyone because they had signed a non-disclosure agreement with her. This scared me a lot, so I called Nandini only to find her phone switched off. Just then someone rang our doorbell, Cabir opened the door and took a parcel and then closed the door and came in.

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