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Hope you all liked the story so far. I would appreciate it if you all could stop being silent readers and start voting and posting comments. Next chapter will be posted only after I see some positive response in this story.

I will talk to you all in the next chapter, till then HAVE FUN READING!



It was 8:30PM when I reached Oberoi Mansion, I went straight to my room changed my clothes and then went downstairs to have dinner with my family. We all silently ate our food, that's when Bade papa asked me, "Shivaay, has there been any reponse on the Goenka Industries training programme? What do you think? Can M&O Industries get into the training programme? I mean it would be just amazing if M&O Industries get this opportunity, then M&O would be able to enter into the international arena."

I looked at bade papa smiled and replied, "Bade papa, the competition is extremely tough but both Raj uncle and I feel we have a chance in getting into the training programme out of 5 stages, our company has cleared 3 stages, just 2 more stages are left, hopefully we will clear that."

Bade Papa smiled and hummed and then continued eating.

Om and Gauri, looked at me and then Om said, "Shivaay everything will be fine, don't take so much tension it won't be good for your health."

I looked at him and saw him assuring me. I smiled and asked, "Om how is your progress on your latest exhibition?"

Om answered, "I'm almost done with it, I will go to London next month for my new gallery opening."

I hummed then silently, ate my dinner and then went to my room.

Once I locked the door, I opened my closet and took out her picture, sat on my bed and started talking to her. 

Anika it has been 5 years and 1 and half months since I last saw you and talked to you. I am sorry, please come back, I miss you. 

I know it was my fault, after I accused you of being a gold digger, you just left the Oberoi Mansion. I thought you would return soon but the next day when I came from office I saw your study materials and your stuff was missing, I asked everyone in the house, then Om replied that he gave everything to you since your exams were near you wanted to study alone in peace. So, I didn't call you, but I called you on the day your exams got over, but the number was switched off. That evening when I entered Oberoi Mansion, I saw Om parking a new car it shocked me cause he never treats himself with luxurious materials, I asked him the reason, he sadly smiled at me and said that he will tell everyone together.

As we went in Om called each and every member of the family and held out an envelope in his hand and pulled out a letter from it and said, "this letter is from Anika,she wanted me to read this in front of you all."

We were all shocked and confused on hearing this, so I asked, "Om what do you mean? why will you read a letter from her and where is she?"

Om sadly said, "have patience, once I read the letter you will know everything."

Om was about to read the letter but I snatched it and started reading it loudly.

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