"Fuck girl!" He said going even faster when my hands were flat on the floor and I came.

"Ohhh ohhh ohhhhhhhhh," was all that came out of my mouth as I came aging but this time I was squiring and shaking. He wasn't too far behind me. Pulling out he came all over my back.

"Damn baby, fuck you squirting and shit." He said squeezing my waist. Picking me up with my legs wrapped around him and my back against the wall he started pounding.

"Oh my... that was... m..my fir..sst squirt!" I said out of breath in a moan as he kept going until I screamed out his name. Laughing he put me down and up under the shower and started washing me up again.

"That's for making me cum when I wasn't ready. And I know you can do it now so it won't be your last." He said smacking my ass as we got out the shower. Grabbing two towels he handed me one before walking back into the room. Walking over to my bag I grabbed some lotion a thong and some over the knee socks.

"Can I get a T-shirt?" I ask Chance walking up to where he sat in his briefs watching me.

"You don't need no shirt I ain't done with you yet." He said taking the stuff I had out my hand and placing it on the bed, before grabbing my hips pulling me in-between his legs. "Mmm whatever just get that lotion and rub me down." I said pecking him on the lips as I backed up and hopped on the bed. Pulling my towel off, he started some music as I relaxed completely.

Beginning with my shoulders he started rubbing them in a circular motion. From there he worked his way to my neck, and then down my arms all the way to my hands. After that he return to my upper the lower back, and over my buttocks. Then down my thighs to my calves. He ended it off with my feet. Once there, he backtrack all the way to the starting point with a lighter touch of affection. By the time he was done I could barely keep my eyes open. Grabbing my hand he flipped me over and laid on top of my kissing my lips softly. Pushing him off of me I turned on my side, he was squeezing my ass in one hand and my boob in the other hand. Laughing I shook my head. I grabbed my sock and put them on while still lying down. Lifting both my legs I started to put on my thong until he stop me. Grabbing me he pulled me off the bed so that I was standing up and bending over. Then he got on his knees and pulled up my thong. Getting off his knees he smiled big. "I like your fat ass and these. A lot." He said grabbing my boobs. Laughing I got on my tippy toes and kissed his lips.

"Sir, can I get a shirt now?" I asked as he picked me up placing me back on the bed.

"No I wanna sleep with you like this. I'll keep you warm come on it's getting late." He said looking down at his phone. Once he laid down I climbed on top of him. I already knew I wasn't gone wanna get up in the morning.

Monday 5:15am

Rolling over I noticed that Kerstin was still sleep and no longer on top of me. Not even two seconds later she woke up shooting closers to me, grabbing her hips I pulled her closer hugging her to me before letting her go. Thinking of last night I smiled and started getting out the bed. Looking at the clock I noticed it was still quite early so I had enough time to cook.

"Baby what do you want for breakfast?" I asked her as I brushed my teeth, stepping back into the room. Walking towards me in a half shirt and thongs with her long socks with her toothbrush Kerstin shrugged and started brushing her teeth.

"How about omelets?" I asked once I was done brushing my teeth.

"Yeah that sounds good." She said once she finished brushing her teeth, grabbing her hips I gave her a kiss.

"Ahh now that's a good way to start your day."

"What's a good way to start your day?"

"This with you right now kissing them sexy lips, while you ain't got nothing on but a half shirt, thong and them long ass socks." Letting my hands fall to her sides she smiled up at me.

"Yeah it is nice isn't it? I get to see all of this and your gone feed me!" She said rubbing her hands up and down my chest.

"Take your shower and then get ready by the time you're out I'll be done cooking and ready too." I said before kissing her again.


Thirty-five minutes later Kerstin came down stairs in a simple white body fitted knee length dress, black blazer, and her black Christian Louboutin heels, with her hair in these big sext curls. I'm was standing here in a Ralph Lauren suit cooking for her, but when I looked up and saw her I couldn't do nothing.

Damn she really is beautiful!

Snapping out of my daze I finished taking the omelet out of the skillet and placed it on a plate. After fixing our plates I sat them on the table.

"What would you like to drink? Orange juice, coffee or tea?"

"Orange juice is fine. This looks and smells good to babe." She said licking her lips.

"Mhmm you sure do look and smell good," I said.

"Chance!" She said blushing hard.

"What I was just telling the truth." Smiling at her I sat down and began eating.

"Speaking of tasting look at my neck Chance." She said causing me to look down at her neck. Causing my jaws to drop, it was red as hell.

"Yes look what you did, I can't covered none of this up without messing up my white dress," she said squinting her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry baby! You just be tasting so good." I said.

"Yeah yeah, so what are you doing today?" She asked.

"Working on stuff for your house, that's my main focus since Carter is finishing up everything else." I said.

"Oh you're lucky. I have meeting most of the day." She replied making a crazy face.

"Well that sucks.

Fifteen minutes later I was walking Kerstin out to her car after placing her bag in the trunk I opened her door and she slid in.

"Have a great day at work Chance."

"You too baby," I said as I leaned over and gave her a long passionate kiss. Releasing her lips I smiled at her then headed to my car.


I'm gone be so distracted at work Kerstin thought as Chance released her lips and stood up straight. He sure know how to mess up a girls head early in the morning! Watching as he walked over and got into his car she pulled off and headed to work.




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