820 39 4

⚠️nsfw warning! skip to " ~*~" if you wish to avoid it ⚠️

Keiko shut the door of his bedroom quietly, feeling very annoyed as he crawled back into bed. Thankfully, Malfoy had been sorted out before he could cloud his sweet kouhai's brain with conflicting thoughts.

Thoughts about finding another person other than him to love. Thoughts about being happy with someone other than he to love.

His darling belonged only to him. He was Keiko's and Keiko's alone. No silly little upstart would take him away from Keiko. After all, with Magic being at its strongest points at Samhain, he could seal the bond he had set into motion with the Riddle.

But after he had tasted the younger boy's lips, the Aomori had been driven insane with the addicting, wine-like taste. It had been much of an effort to stop himself from going any further with Tom in the alcove, but alas, if he wanted the little scheme he had to work properly, his hand would have to do for now.

Keiko brushed his hands along the skin near the waistband of his underwear, biting his lower lip. His pants tightened around his near painful erection, his member begging to be let free.

He slid his right hand underneath his underwear stroking his cock slowly. He could picture Tom writhing underneath him so clearly in his mind. The image of his little kouhai's beautiful face flushed pink as he whined and squirmed at Keiko's touch.

He couldn't help but smile remembering the dream he'd had before being rudely awoken by stupid blond wankers.

He dreamt of Tom often, this night's was an especially good one, he supposed having your scent so close when he'd sat the Riddle on his lap must have triggered a rather... exciting dream. Keiko sighed, completely content, the image of the younger brunet's slender frame bouncing up and down on his cock, looking ever so pretty for him, his normally composed face undone as moans and whines about how much Tom loved him whilst Keiko played with his nipples.

Of course the Aomori figured it was a dream and really escalated it, pounding up into the poor brunet at a punishing pace having him in tears over how good it was, however Keiko couldn't help but drool remembering such a fun dream, but now wasn't quite the time to rub out another one, perhaps later. Monitoring his darling after tonight's ordeals were more important.

He didn't want any feelings for that Malfoy boy to develop in his darling. Did that idiot really want to die? Keiko had been more than happy to leave him alone since he wanted Tom to have a little friend to talk to instead of being completely alone but clearly exposing his darling to that would do more harm than good.

What if Malfoy had successfully swayed his love? What would he be then? Tom was going to be his lover. His other half. His. They were destined to be together and there was no way Keiko would let years of work go to waste because of some mistaken filth.

As he pulled the covers to his chin, Keiko nodded to himself.

Yes, he'd definitely have to do something about Malfoy.


"Are you... alright?" Tom finally asked, shifting awkwardly in his seat under the piercing gaze of his...friend?

Abraxas hadn't said a word ever since he'd entered the Hospital Wing and instead preferred to just look at him with an absentminded expression that was similar to Pandora Lovegood of Ravenclaw's.

Tom found it slightly unnerving but filled the silence with what he'd done that Saturday and how they were investigating who'd injured the blond.

A moment or two passed before the Malfoy answered Tom's question. "In all honesty... I'm unsure."

"Er- well does it hurt anywhere? Do you want me to get Madam Lafferty for you?"

"I am hurt... but I doubt she can do anything to help me."

"What do you mean by that-?"

"Well,"Abraxas said with an eye roll. "Unless you give me a chance and end things with Aomori, I doubt I'll ever feel better. I did mean what I said , To- Riddle... I really do love you."

The brunet sighed in exasperation, not catching the blond's slip. "Are we really going to talk about this again? I'm being courted by Aomori—"

"Who you most likely don't love,"Abraxas interrupted bitterly. "You don't even have any strong levels of emotional connection from what I've seen. You look like you're uncomfortable. I can treat you better than he does..Please... I've loved you longer... done so much more. Would do so much more! If only you'd let me be yours..! Please...Let me be yours..! Please!"

By the end of his minor rant, Abraxas had burst into tears and started sobbing, leaving Tom staring at the blond boy's behaviour in shock.

Luckily, Madam Lafferty had saved Tom from even looking for a sensible reply by bustling in. She shooed him out gently into the corridors, saying that Abraxas was growing far too distressed and needed rest.

Perhaps Tom should have waited a little while longer before checking in on him. He didn't quite like the strange sinking feeling in his gut.

First it was Keiko making him feel like he was having a fever and Malfoy making him feel like he was going to throw up... Perhaps he himself needed a check up from the Mediwitch.

Whilst he'd been consumed in his thoughts, Tom didn't notice the scratching of rock against claws from behind him.


A/N: Oh dear- poor Abraxas.. I wonder what could have happened to him?

Anyway, this update was a long time coming (2 years to be exact) but my muse has returned for this story to continue. Hopefully it's far better than my original outline and hopefully you've enjoyed it so far :)

Also more serious topics like dub con may follow so I suppose you should leave if you want.

- V

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