Deal with a Demon: Cancelled

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"Can't believe the day's finally come," Yoongi said.

"What? You becoming a human or me surpassing you in seniority?" Jungkook teased.

"I hope you don't forget what manners you have left while left alone." Despite the grumbled response, Yoongi sported a smile with pride winking in his eyes.

Jungkook laughed as he gave a mock bow to Yoongi. "Of course not, hyung."

Hoseok watched their conversation with a heavy heart. None of them knew when they would see each other again, Yoongi opting to start fresh with his life on the surface and leaving Korea once he had the means. It was a final farewell as far as they knew, and Hoseok was too wound up to stop the tears from spilling forth.

"Ah, I forgot how sensitive humans were," Yoongi said with misty eyes.

"You'll have plenty of time to catch up," Hoseok said with a chuckle. He turned toward Jungkook with a wavering smile. "Don't forget to bring up the stereo when you're done down here, okay?"

Jungkook returned his smile. "You can always get a head start."

Hoseok shook his head. "I want to learn with you."

"What if you're ancient by the time I come up?"

"Better hurry up before these joints get any older, then."

They huddled together, hands clasped, and Jungkook said, "Guess this is goodbye." He squeezed Hoseok's and Yoongi's hands even tighter. "See you on the other side."

Before Hoseok could reply, shadows encroached on his vision, and he submitted himself to Jungkook's powers.


When Hoseok blinked open his eyes, he was back in the library's basement. He felt Yoongi's body curled up beside him, and he lifted himself from the floor with a groan.

The shattered glass had since been swept from the floor, and wooden boards covered the opened window, allowing in a faint trickle of sunlight through the slight cracks.

As the days' events replayed themselves in Hoseok's mind, he couldn't help but wonder how long he would be left alone.

A/N - sorry for the short chapter. the next few ones are gonna be the last, so i wanted to stretch the finale out lmao

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