➼chapter 20; seers and uncertainties

Start from the beginning

The Hufflepuffs all seemed to have forgotten their annoyance for the moment, ready to celebrate Cedric Diggory as they rushed into the common room, some going back to get food from the kitchens. A few stared curiously at Serena and Magnolia, wondering why a Gryffindor and Ravenclaw weren't up in their towers, but were distracted by the students that came running back with all sorts of sweets piled in their hands. 

Once everyone disappeared behind the passageway, the door closed and the three girls were finally alone. Magnolia, being as honestly blunt as she is, faced Ramona. "You predicted the future."

"Wha- no! No, I didn't!" Ramona looked as if she was trying to convince herself.

"Well..." Serena began, "you said it yourself a few days ago. That you saw Cedric as the Champion. And now he is."

"Well... that was just a feeling with no real evidence," Ramona said quietly.

"No, you said you knew for a fact he was going to be chosen." Magnolia casually leaned against the brick wall, studying her finger nails. "And now you're saying you didn't really know because you don't want to face the possibility that you might be able to do something no one else can do."

"Your ability to read people is honestly quite scary, Nolie," said Serena before turning to Ramona. "Anyways, didn't you go to the library for this exact situation? Did you not find anything?"

The girl in question didn't get a chance to speak when Magnolia answered for her. "She did. And she knows exactly what she is."

"Nolie, that isn't possible."

The brunette shrugged, though her crystal blue eyes were sparkling. "There's a first for everything."

Ramona vehemently shook her head. "You've gone completely mental to even be considering such a ludicrous idea." 

Serena looked between her best friends in confusion. "Wait, hold on, am I missing something? Because I for one would love to be apart of the silent conservation you two are having." Magnolia simply looked at the curly-haired girl, who crossed her arms. "Your staring is not going to help me figure out what you lot are talking about any faster. So you might as well just tell me."

As if it required a great deal of effort, Magnolia pulled herself off the wall with a loud groan to stand beside Ramona, pointing a dramatic hand at the girl. "Meet Ramona Harris, newly discovered Seer."

Serena froze, her friends waiting for her reaction. They were expecting the usual yelp of shock, or the normal squint of her brown eyes in bewilderment. However, they were not anticipating on Serena doubling over in laughter. "A Seer? You're kidding, right?"

When she noticed no one else was laughing with her, Serena quickly collected herself. "Wait, you're serious?"

"If I did not end my sentence with a chuckle, you can assume I am serious, Rena." Magnolia deadpanned. 

Serena didn't pay Magnolia any attention, facing Ramona instead. "But you've been having these visions since first year. Something the Muggles call day jen van... dan ji vin-"

"Déjà vu, Serena," Ramona answered with a roll of her eyes. "But you're right. This isn't anything new. Ever since I was ten I've always seen fuzzy images in my head before they've happened. Besides, Magnolia, Muggle-borns can't be Seers because the ability has to be passed down. It's all in Unfogging the Future, page 42."

The Ravenclaw narrowed her eyes. "Ramona, you foreshadowed the Death Eater attack back at the World Cup. You saw them in your dream, clear as day, did you not?"

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