Allison continued to walk over to us. Once Luther was done whipping his face he got up and went to Allison, standing in front of her. They both didn't say a word and Allison just hugged him. It was really sweet. Luther hugged back, he looked so surprised. They finally let go of each other after a couple of seconds.

"Hey." Luther said.

"Hey." Allison responded.

"I like your hair." Luther said.

"Oh..." Allison started to laugh. "Thank you."

"Come on, sit down, sit down." Luther said as he sat down at the table.

Allison looked over at me and pointed her finger at me.

"Who's she?" Allison asked to Luther.

"Oh, yeah, her name is Y/N. She was with Five before hand but then he rejected her and now she's stuck with me." Luther said.

"Wow, that was harsh." I said to Luther. "And he didn't reject me just he didn't trust me..." I mumbled to myself.

Allison blinked a couple of times and looked at me and back at Luther.

"Why was Five with a teenager?" Allison asked. 

"I'm 38 years old actually, just shapeshifting into a teenager." I said.

"Shapeshifted?" Allison was shocked.

"I'll explain later." Luther whispered to her. "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me move that." Luther moved some of the plates that were in Allison's way.

Allison chuckled a little. "You're a mess. Are you okay?"

"Me?" Luther asked.

"Yeah, you've got-"

"Oh, yeah, no, I'm... I'm good."


"Doing good." Luther said as they both chuckled nervously. "Good weather."

"Oh, yeah." Allison said. 

Wow this is awkward. I thought to myself as I sipped my water.

"Good beer." Luther said as they continued to nervously laughed.

"Yeah." Allison said.

"Yeah." Luther drank his beer more.

Proving my point. I thought to myself.

They continued to talk. The whole conversation was very uncomfortable for me to be there, so I decided to go sit somewhere else until they finished.

"Y/N it's time to go." Luther yelled out for me.

I turned to see Luther and Allison hug one last time before they left. Once Allison walked away I went over to Luther.

"How was it?" I asked him.

"Good, I informed her on doomsday, you, and all the others." Luther said.

We both started to walk back to his apartment.

"You seem to be happier." I said.

"Yeah, I really am actually." Luther admitted. "Talking to her made me happier."

I smiled. "I'm glad."

Talking about someone other than Five helped me relax. Thinking about Five was making me anxious and uncomfortable. Luther was really nice and Allison seems to be really nice also. Me and Luther finally got to his apartment to hear a weird sound from his room. We both slowly walked into find someone filling in the hole that Luther made earlier.

"Uh, yeah, I was... gonna tell you about that."

"You need to go." The man fixing the wall said.

"Phil, I'll pay for it, okay?" Luther said. "Whatever it costs."

"It's not about the wall, Luther." Phil said.

"Well then, what is it?" Luther asked.

"You're on Ruby's shit list, and I don't wanna be." Phil said.

"You gotta be kidding me." I whispered to myself.

"I'm real sorry."

"Phil. Come on man it's me." Luther said.

Phil sighed. "Gotta be out by 3:00." Phil walked out the room.

"Phil..." Luther said, trying to get him to stop. "Great."

Luther's mood went way down hill from there. He seemed so unpleasant. He quickly grabbed all his stuff and we walked out.

"I'm so sorry Luther." I said, trying to comfort him but he didn't say anything. "What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"I have an idea but I don't think you're going to like it." Luther said.

I crossed my arms, curious to see what he was thinking of. "Where is it?"



After a long travel we showed up to Elliot's house. I really didn't want to have to deal with Five, I didn't know how he would react to me being back here. We both sighed as we were outside of the door. Luther knocked on the door with the lamp from his apartment. The door opened shortly after to reveal Elliot.

"Whoa." Was the only thing Elliot could get out his mouth. "You're f... uh, from the alley."

"Uh..." Luther tried to speak.

"Hey Elliot." I interrupted. "Is Five here?"

"Uh, he went out." Elliot said.

I walked in as Luther was behind me.

"He say where he was going?" Luther asked.

"Um... He's with your other brother." Elliot said.

"Who, Diego?" Luther asked. "I thought he was in the asylum."

"Uh, he escaped." Elliot said. 

I sat down on the couch and laid there.

"He say when they'd be back?" Luther asked. 

"Not sure." Elliot said as he admired Luther's large build.

"Okay," Luther said as he looked around the room.

He set down all his stuff and sighed deeply and sat on the couch with me.

Elliot chuckled. "Bad day, huh?" Elliot asked.

"Yep." Luther said as he peered his eyes over at something.

"You want some nitrous?" Elliot asked.

Luther went silent. I looked at Luther with a dead look.

"I'm out." I said as I went to the bedroom.

I tried to sleep but just kept on hearing giggles and voices from the other room. I put on some light music as I tried to sleep. I changed into the clothes that Elliot gave me on the first night I was here.

 I put a pillow over my head as I tried to ignore the sounds coming from the other room but my mind went to Five. He was all I could think about. I felt worried about him but at the same time I was upset with him. I wanted to go and help him but I knew it would make him more mad than he already was.

All I wanted to do was it to be how it was. It didn't feel right having a grudge on him and it really didn't feel right with not having him here tonight. Shortly after I started to drift off into a deep sleep.


Five x Reader ~ The Umbrella Academy (Season 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz