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"Oh Seungmin, you're home! How was the session today?" Mrs. Kim said happily, her mood visibly brightening at the sight of her son. He gave her a small smile before shrugging, not having any energy left to give her a real reply. "Never mind that if you're not up to talk about it. Dinners almost ready, why don't you sit down." She spoke sweetly, unfazed by her sons lack of words.

A few minutes of silence passed as she focused on dish she was preparing. "Your father had to work overtime tonight so he won't be home until late."

He looked up at her as she placed a bowl of kimchi stew in front of him, there was a smile on her face. There always was. It actually confused Seungmin how his mother could be positive about everything, he ruined their lives. Forcing a smile onto his face, he bowed slightly as a way to thank her.

"Your senior year starts in two days, are you excited?" Mrs. Kim asked as she slid into the chair across from him.

Was he excited? Not at all. School was a living hell for students like him. Every year he would have a special conference with all of his teachers before they started the school year. A conference where his mom had to tell them how messed up her son was, how they couldn't force him to speak. But on the other hand, he was lucky. He attended a relatively nice school so he didn't have to deal with bullying. Sure, he was well aware of the whispering and all the rumors, but it could be worse.

A frown formed on Mrs. Kim's face when she didn't get any type of answer. "Seungmin, are you feeling okay?"

He nodded, not even bothering to look at her. He just wanted to get through dinner, then he could be all alone.


A sigh fell from Seungmin's lips as he let himself fall backwards onto his bed. He grabbed the blue stuffed dinosaur and wrapped his arms around it. The toy brought him a great deal of comfort. He'd had it since he was a child, since before it happened, the dinosaur helped him remember what life was like before, when he was still carefree and ignorant to all of the darkness in the world.

Sitting up, he reached over to his nightstand and pulled a small journal from its drawer. He flipped through the pages, making a mental note that he'd need a new journal soon. When he finally found a blank page, he uncapped his pen and wrote the date.

Dear future Seungmin,

                     today was hard. Mrs. Park wants me to make a new friend, but I don't think that's possible. How are you supposed to make a friend without talking? I can't wait for the day when I'm normal, when I can finally act normal. I think I'm getting worse. The more she forces me to talk the more it hurts me. I feel like the memories are connected to my voice. I'd much rather forget than speak. I hope you're doing better.


                                                                       Kim Seungmin 



"Imagine still going to high school," Changbin joked as he walked past his friends that were talking about their plans for school

"Imagine graduating with a 3.4 gpa," Felix retorted, slapping the elders arm.

Looking up at him, Jisung stuck his tongue out as he cuddled up to Felix's, knowing about the not so subtle crush on his best friend.

"Channie, he's being mean to us!" Jeongin whined.

Changbin glared at the youngest as he was well aware of Chan being your typical over protective boyfriend. "Fine, fine. I'll leave you alone."

"Thanks Innie," Hyunjin said as they got back to what they were previously doing, comparing schedules. "Why the hell are you taking P.E. Jisung?" He asked, having thought the younger already had his credits for gym.

An upset sigh came out of Jisung, "Felix called me fat."

"I did not!" Said boy yelled as he pushed Jisung away from him.

The elder crossed his arms, "Yes you did. You told me I eat too much which is basically the same thing."

"You told him he eats too much!?"

Felix jumped at the voice behind him, he turned around to see a very unhappy looking Minho. "N—No he was just...h—he...ate all m—my snacks!"

Walking over to Jisung, he swiftly picked the boy before glaring at Felix one last time. "Let's get you away from these mean people," He said softly as he rubbed his back.

"Are they dating yet?" Jeongin whispered as he leaned in closer to the two remaining boys.

Felix massaged his temples, "Not yet. Jisung told me they don't need a label for it to mean something. Minho's going to break his heart."

Hyunjin shrugged, "Minho really likes him...it's just his parents. You know how they are."

"Oh I almost forgot! Did something happen last night? Chan said you canceled on him...I just want to make sure you're okay." There was a concerned look on Jeongin's face as he really was worried about his friend.

"What do you mean? Chan canceled on me." Hyunjin asked.

A gasp ripped past Jeongin's lips as he turned towards where Chan was laying on the couch, "Christopher Bang, you lied to me!"

Felix and Hyunjin just sat and observed as Jeongin walked over and started scolding his boyfriend.

"So, when are you going to find somebody to date? I don't want you to be the only single one if me and Binnie become a thing." Felix asked as he gracefully fell back onto the carpeted floor of Chan's apartment.

The elder scoffed, "why would it matter if I'm the only single one?" The only response he got was Felix gesturing to the couples who were cuddled up together in their own little worlds. "Ok point proven." 

"Any girls...or boys you've got your eye on?" The younger asked like an embarrassing parent trying to get information about their child's love life.

"Felix, I don't know i—"

"Yeah, yeah, you don't know what your sexuality is. You're eighteen Hyunjin, experiment a little!"

His face went red at his friends words. He was the only one in their friend group that wasn't experienced in things like relationships. "I'm just waiting for the right person." Hyunjin replied, internally cringing at the cliche statement. 


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