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"Mom..." Hyunjin whined as he plotted through the lobby up to his mother's desk, "all the lights keep popping up in my car—I am so tired of bringing it in to get fixed."

The woman looked up from her computer and raised an eyebrow. "What does that have to do with me? I know that car was a birthday present, but if you need a new one that's on you."

A sigh fell from Hyunjin's lips before he laid his head down on the desk. "I don't want to work more hours than I already do—I hate working," he complained.

"Well, I wouldn't plan on a set of car keys falling from the sky."

"Do you think dad will buy me a new car?" Hyunjin asked softly, his voice full of hope.

The woman laughed at her son's ridiculous words. "Your dad wouldn't even consider buying you another car. He was against me even getting you that car for your birthday."

"Is there anything you need help with? I'm already here anyway."

A silence fell over the two as the woman thought of what Hyunjin could do to help out. "You can help the janitors vacuum if you want? I'm sure they'd appreciate it."

Hyunjin nodded slowly, still disheartened his parents weren't willing to buy him another car. He knew he was already quite spoiled by the two so he shouldn't have been sad, but now he had to make money on his own.

He worked at a restaurant downtown on the weekends, but he didn't enjoy it much. It was much more entertaining for him to volunteer at the center his mom worked at. It might have been that he liked being near his mother, but he would've never told the woman that.

After chatting with the janitor for few minutes, Hyunjin put in his AirPods and began vacuuming the building.


Hyunjin was lost in his own world, humming to his music as he vacuumed the therapists' hallway. He normally wouldn't be allowed to go down there during office hours because of confidentiality, but since he was listening to music it didn't seem to be a big deal.

He didn't really see an issue with not being able to hear much until he walked backwards into one of the patients.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed over the whirling of the vacuum before realizing he could just turn it off.

Turning around to see if they were okay, he saw Seungmin standing in front of him. A smile formed on his lips before he muttered, "I should've known it was going to be you...I'm really good at running into you I guess."

Doing his best to return the smile, Seungmin nodded. He stayed silent for a few moments and just looked at the elder. "Do you...work here?" He asked finally.

The boy's voice was so quiet, Hyunjin almost couldn't hear him. "My mom works at the front desk—I just help around here because I have nothing better to do."

"Mrs Hwang?"

Hyunjin nodded, watching as the boy's face lit up at the mention of his mother. "I should stop holding you up...I'll see you around I guess."

A smile formed on Seungmin's lips before he nodded. He sent Hyunjin a small wave before heading towards the reception desk.

"Was he bothering you?" Mrs Hwang asked as she saw Hyunjin poke his head around the corner, watching Seungmin was a ridiculous smile on his face. Noticing his mother's eyes fixed on him, he quickly turned back around a started vacuuming once again. "I can tell him to leave you alone," she continued.

Seungmin shook his head before whispering, "He's nice."

"Well he better be nice to such a sweet boy like you," she mumbled to herself as she clicked around on her computer. "I have you scheduled for the same time next week?" She asked, pulling up the boy's file.

Nodding, Seungmin gave her a quick thumbs up.

"You have a good week, Seungmin," the woman said sweetly before the boy turned to leave.

"His arms..." Hyunjin spoke as he walked behind his mother's desk, sitting on the floor a few inches from her chair, "is he okay?"

Turning so she could look at the boy, she sent him a small smile. "Hyunjin...sweetie, I can't tell you. I know you have good intentions but I just can't help you out," she stated softly before reaching out to pat her son's head.

A frown formed on Hyunjin's lips when he heard his mother's words. He knew she had to respect the patients but he wished there was some sort of loop hole. There was the option of doing things the old fashioned way and getting to know Seungmin himself...but Hyunjin was too impatient. He just wanted to run up to the boy and tell him it was all going to be okay.

He wasn't all too sure why he was so compelled to this random boy, but he was. There was just something so alluring about the silent boy he seemed to see everywhere he went.

"Do you need to talk about something? There's something on your mind." Asked the woman, noticing the way her son drifted off.

"I just want to hug him..." Hyunjin whispered simply, "and never let go."

Mrs Hwang reached out a hand to gently run through Hyunjin's long hair, separating any knots she found. "Just give it some time," she reassured, "there's no need to rush anything."

Letting himself fall backwards onto the carpeted floor, Hyunjin let out a dramatic sigh. "Giving things time is so boring...I just want to be his best friend already."

Smiling at the boy once again, she shook her head as she said, "it's probably because you're an only child, you're used to attention."

"And you're probably right. I do want his attention."

Big oopsy i realized I've been using Kim as Hyunjin's last name...like the girl from loona. That's what I get for being a girl group Stan writing boy group fanfic :|
I'll fix it at some point...

Thanks for reading

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