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Hi...double update because I couldn't leave it as a  cliffhanger again...

"Hyunjin..." Seungmin spoke. His voice was hoarse and almost inaudible as if he hadn't said a word for the two weeks they'd been apart. "I...I—" he wasn't able to get out the words he was searching for and settled on letting himself fall into Hyunjin's arms as the tears streamed down his cheeks.

Hyunjin returned the embrace the second he felt Seungmin's body against his own. All of the sudden, he forgot about the two weeks of pent up emotions and the only thing that seemed important was Seungmin. Slowly, he walked through the doorway and into the bedroom, pushing the door shut behind them for privacy.

The two didn't say anything for some time. Instead, Hyunjin let the younger rest in his arms for however long he needed.

"I'm sorry for not telling you I was coming over," Hyunjin spoke, his voice seeming to bounce off the walls as he disturbed the quiet between them, "I just—I couldn't leave things this way."

Finally pulling away from Hyunjin, Seungmin looked into his eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry...for...for—"

"Don't force yourself, It's okay," the elder smiled before he grabbed Seungmin's hand and pulled him over to the bed.

As they sat down, Seungmin's hand stayed clamped down on Hyunjin's, almost scared to let the boy go.

"Are...are we okay?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly

A familiar silence enveloped the two before Seungmin finally let go of the elder. He brought his hands to rest in his lap and shrugged.

"Because of what your brother said?"

He nodded.

"I know he's known you longer than me—your whole life—but I don't think any of what he said was right. Yes, this relationship is going to take a little more work, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying."

"What..." Seungmin muttered. He had to pause for a moment as all of the words tried to come out at the same time. He took a deep breath before trying again. "What...what if I can't...give you everything you want? E—Eventually you'll...get tired of this...of me."

Hyunjin watched as two tears raced down Seungmin's cheeks. "I don't think I could get tired of you, Seungmin," whispered the elder, "it's not a secret that communicating with you isn't the easiest...but that's never bothered me. I'm with you for you right now, not the hope that some day you'll change."

"Things are just...they're hard for...me and I don't—I don't want to hold you back."

Reaching out to place a hand on the side of Seungmin's face, he ran his thumb back and forth across the boy's cheek. "I don't have a list of expectations that I need to cross off. I'm in no rush for anything."

Seungmin placed his hand over Hyunjin's and pulled it down to rest on his thigh. "I'm sorry," he spoke quietly, his eyes glued to his and Hyunjin's interlocked hands in his lap.

"Why are you still apologizing to me?"

A small laugh slipped out of the younger at the question before he forced out, "for ignoring you...I just—I needed time to think—but then...then I thought you'd hate me for...not talking to you."

"Ok..." Hyunjin started softly, "I wasn't a big fan of you ignoring me but that doesn't mean I'm upset about it. The next time something happens and you're unsure about something or just upset—talk to me about it, okay? You don't even have to talk to me about it—you can hold my hand while you think if that's what works best—I'd just like it if you didn't shut me out."

Seungmin quickly nodded and let out a quiet, "okay." He took a deep breath and tried to stop himself from crying any longer but nothing seemed to work. Over the past two weeks, he'd never missed anybody as much as he missed Hyunjin...but now that he next to his boyfriend...everything felt utterly overwhelming.

As if he could read his mind, Hyunjin moved towards him and held out his arms. Seungmin was quick to accept the invitation. He leaned down to rest his head against Hyunjin's chest, feeling the elder's arms wrap around him shortly after.




Letting his eyes flutter open, Hyunjin looked up to see Mrs Kim standing over him. He had to glance around the room before realizing he and Seungmin must've fell asleep. Seungmin in question was still fast asleep on his chest.

"Oh...I'm sorry Mrs Kim...I didn't mean—I don't even remember falling asleep," he whispered.

"It's okay honey," the woman smiled, "I know you don't have school in the morning...but I didn't want you to get in trouble with your parents."

"My mom definitely wouldn't be happy if I didn't come home..." the conversation came to a halt while Hyunjin tried his best to slip out from underneath Seungmin without waking him up. It felt as if he was playing a game of Tetris—but he eventually succeeded.

Before he left the room, Hyunjin dug through Seungmin's backpack at the foot of the bed and pulled out a notebook. He ripped out a scrap of paper and scribbled down, Goodnight :) text me when you wake up. He quickly placed the poorly ripped piece of paper next to Seungmin before following Mrs Kim back into the living room.

"Does this mean everything is alright between you two?"

Hyunjin smiled at the question. "I think we're both willing to work towards that," he answered simply.

"You...you're just a blessing, Hyunjin. There aren't many boys your age that can say they're a good person—but you really are."

Blushing at the compliment, Hyunjin muttered, "thank you, but you're always giving me too much credit."'

Just as Mrs Kim opened her mouth to continue their friendly argument, the front door opened.

"Hyunjin," Mr Kim smiled, "it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too mr—Seongja, but I was just heading out."

"Come back soon," the man beamed as he watched the boy leave.

I was trying to convince myself all day to just be patient and wait to upload the next chapter...but it's been too many suspenseful chapters so here you go :)

I haven't had a lot of time to write or edit so I hope it doesn't seem too rushed.

Once again, thanks for reading.

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