Fairy Tail's Problem Child

Start from the beginning

Mest let out a light groan before shaking his head. "I'm not here for you two miscreants right now. I'm just here to make sure Rocky gets back home safely. That's why I didn't bring the Custody Enforcement Unit with me."

Rocky clicked her tongue. "Take a hike. Ya damn reprobate."

Mest raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"Look it up. It's in the dictionary. You should use it sometime."

Mest sighed before giving a quick glance to Liam and Shawn. Instantly getting the message, the two men left the premises in a hurry.

"See ya tomorrow, Rocky," Liam said as he ran off.

"Yeah, see ya later, kid!" Shawn said, quickly following behind him.

"Alright Rocky, it's time for you to go home."

Rocky just crossed her arms and arched her head away from Mest. "Make me."

Mest rubbed his hair before sighing. "Guess I'll have to." He forcefully grabbed her by the arm, much to the girl's apparent ire. "Direct Line!" Right aft he shouted those words, he and Rocky had vanished.

They reappeared in a house filled with all kinds of iron weapons and items as well as old and priceless antiques. In addition, there was a row of books that spread through every corner of the house.

"I'm back home..." Rocky grunted, clearly displeased with this fact.

"Yes, you are. Now please try not to do anything that'll give your parents any more trouble. Or me for that matter."

"Thanks, Mest," Gajeel said as he walked out from the kitchen. He gave Rocky a fierce look, signaling to her that she was in a world of trouble. "We'll take it from here." As if one cue, Levy walked out from the kitchen as well.

Mest nodded, "Right, I'll leave it to you then. Have a good night." And at that, Mest teleported out of the house.

"Alright, little missy. You wanna explain to me where you've been?" Gajeel folded his arms, patiently waiting for a response from his daughter. However, all he received was crossed arms and a notched head. "Hey! You had best look at me when I'm talking to you! You hear me?!"

"Calm down, Gajeel," Levy said in a soft voice.

"Being calm doesn't teach lessons Levy. Now a couple slaps on the butt, however..."



"Can I go to my room now?" Rocky asked, slumping down on the couch.

"No. You can go to your room when we say you can and not any sooner. You got that?!"

Rocky just rolled her eyes at that. "Yeah yeah..."

"And don't yeah yeah me! Punk."

"Rocky, listen," Levy started in a gentle tone as she sat down on the couch with her daughter. "You have a curfew for a reason. Where not trying to be mean or anything when we tell you to follow the rules we set for you. Everything we do is just to keep you safe. You're still just a little girl, so it's dangerous for you to be out late at night. Okay?"

"I'm a wizard Mom. It's not dangerous."

"Don't get full of yourself, ya little rug rat," Gajeel scolded her. "You're a new wizard. It ain't nothing to flex about. Got it?"

"Gajeel," Levy glared at him. "Be a bit nicer to her, okay?"

"Why should I? She's done this for who know how many times? We've gotta start putting our feet down, Levy."

Fairy Tail Next Generation: Aki, the Sky Flame DragonWhere stories live. Discover now