July 7 X802

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Aki bowed politely to Juvia. "Thank you, Auntie Juvia!"

"Still as kind and polite as ever, I see." The water mage couldn't but give a little warmhearted chuckle at that. "That's good, keep it up."

Aki's eyes darted around the room. She looked through each and every corner before she decided to speak up. "Um, where's Gold?"

"He should be coming any minute now," Gray informed him. "He wanted to carry your present all by himself."

"Oh, I see." Aki pulled down a strand of her hair in front of her face and played with it for a bit.

After a couple of minutes had passed, a little boy with messy light blue hair came running through the door, his face masked by a giant present. "Whoa, whoa!"

His ankles smacked against one another as he continued running into the kitchen. The lime green box wrapped in yellow ribbons went soaring through the air. "Gold, watch out!" Gray yelled, preparing to catch his son.

"Water Lock!" Juvia called out. In response a spiraling sphere of water surrounded the present. It slowly drifted over to Juvia and fell neatly in her hands as the water dispersed.

Gray sighed in relief. "Man, that was a close one. Nice going, Juvia."

"Thanks, my love."

"You see, Gold? This is why we told you it'd be better if your mother or I carried it instead."

"I'm sorry, Daddy," Gold pouted, his eyes on the brink of tears.

"No, it's okay buddy," Gray said in a soft and gentle tone, doing his best to try and console him. "You didn't know any better. Just try and remember that next time, okay?"


"Great, now go and say hi.." Gray patted Gold's head before he leaped out of his arms and ran over to Aki.

"Hey, Aki!" Gold waved at her, wearing an ecstatic smile. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, Gold!" Aki returned his smile in kind. "So, what did you get me? It looks like something really awesome!"

Gold held his arms behind his back as he playfully swung his hips around. "I don't know. You'll just have to wait and see."


"Well, let's eat," Wendy said, clapping her hands together.

"Aw yeah, I've starving!" Natsu rubbed his belly in a circular motion. "Can't wait to chow down."

Gray rolled his eyes. "You're always starving, you loud-mouthed fire-breather."

Within a split second Natsu's forehead was now pressed up against Gray's. "You trying to say I'm fat or something, you frosty streaker?"

Gray scowled at Natsu in return. "That's exactly what I'm saying, dragon dunce."

"You wanna go, snowman?!"

"Bring in on, pyro!" The two men locked fists, struggling to overpower the other.

"Natsu..." Wendy tugged on her husband's sleeve. "Please don't do this on Aki's birthday."

"Gray darling..." Juvia tapped on the ice wizard's shoulder. "Let's try and be good guests, okay?"

They both looked at their wives giving them the dreaded puppy dog eyes and had no choice but to give in to the womans' whims. "Fine~"

Wendy and Juvia both made pleased smiles at that. Gold then gasped as his hands covered his mouth. "Daddy! Your clothes!" He pointed to Gray, who was now in nothing but black boxers.

"Damn it!" Gray looked around the room furiously for his clothes. "Where'd they go?!"

"Aki quick! Shield your eyes!" Natsu shouted out as he covered his daughter's eyes. "What are you trying to corrupt my girl or something? Shame on you, Gray!"

"It's not my fault!"

Eventually, Gray found his clothes and the four sat down at the table and began eating. Several minutes had passed and eventually, everyone had finished their breakfast. Aki had already opened her present from the Fullbuster family which turned out to be a video game lacrima. She thought that they could've each gotten her a separate present honestly. It was her birthday after all, so she should be getting as many presents as possible, right?

She also just finished opening his present from Wendy. It was a poster of her favorite movie. She smiled brightly at this, "Thanks, Mommy! I love it!"

"You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you like it." Wendy gave her daughter a quick peck on the cheek before she moved onto her next present.

"That one's from me," Natsu stated the obvious, a cheeky grin on his face.

Aki unwrapped the box and opened it up. Lying on top of a dark green paper was a thick and long scaly white scarf. "Daddy...Isn't this yours?"

Natsu just shook his head. "Nope, it's yours now. Back when I was a little boy, my father, Igneel gave me that scarf. And now, I'm giving it to you."

"Wow, Grandpa Igneel..." Aki muttered in amazement as she stared at the scarf. "Are you really sure I can have this, Daddy?"

Natsu nodded, "Positive. Go on, try it on for size."

Aki did as requested and threw the scarf over her neck. It endowed her neck with warmth as she sighed happily. "It feels really warm and cozy." She ran her hand through the bottom of the scarf, wanting to feel its warmth even more.

"It looks good on you," Natsu complimented her with a bright smile. "Happy Birthday, Aki."

A couple of hours had passed and Aki was now standing in front of a small mushroom shaped house. The floral aroma of flowers tickled her nostrils as she stood in the tall grass, waiting for someone to come out of the house. Several thick trees loomed over her. "Maybe I should knock again?" She thought to heerself before deciding to try it out.

Then, the door creaked open and an elderly woman walked out of the house. "Hello?" She put on her glasses and looked down to see Aki standing before her. "Oh, why if it isn't Aki? How are you deary?"

"I'm great," Aki answered kindly. "How are you, Miss Rosa?"

"I've been doing well. I'm assuming you came here because you wanted to help trim my weeds again?"

"Yes please!" Aki bowed in front of Rosa. "If that's okay, of course!"

Rosa chuckled a little at Aki's behavior. "Oh, silly girl. There's no need for you to ask for permission. Your help is always welcomed."

"Thank you, Miss Rosa! I promise I won't disappoint you!"

"Heh heh heh," an ominous laugh echoed throughout the forest. Large footsteps roared in Aki's ears like banging drums. She turned around to see a giant moss green monkey, with a horn on its head towering over her.

"It's a forest vulcan," Aki gulped.

"What's the matter, kiddy? Scared of a big bad monkey like me?" He leered down at Aki, causing the child to tremble in fear. "You should be." He grabbed onto Aki's head and lifted her off the ground. "Cause I'm gonna mess you up."

Character Bio: Gold Ur Fullbuster

Age: 8

Parents: Gray and Juvia Fullbuster

Likes: Cool outfits, Painting

Dislikes: Summer, Heights

Magic: Ice Make/Water Make

Fairy Tail Next Generation: Aki, the Sky Flame DragonWhere stories live. Discover now