The Dragonfly

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The forest vulcan's giant fist came crashing down at Aki. She quickly leaped into the air and swung her fist at the monkey.

"Heh, that tickles, little girl," The creature mocked her before slamming his fist into the child's gut.

She wiped some of the blood from her lip and narrowed her eyes. Wind gathered around her hand as she swung it forward. "Sky Dragon: Crushing Fang!" Her hand sliced through the vulcan like a dragon's claw.

However, the monster simply just scratched at its wound unconcerned. "No way," Aki muttered. "I hardly did anything to him..."

"Why are you so surprised? As if a little runt like you stands even an inkling of a chance against me!"

A powerful fist to his jaw sent Aki to the ground with a thud. She spit out some grass and twigs as she rose back to her feet. Billows of air framed her fists as she charged forward.

The monkey easily dodged every single one f Aki's blows, laughing jollily as he did so. A sharp knee to the chin rocketed Aki into the air. She threw both her arms up as wind in the shape of wings formed around them. "Sky Dragon Wing Attack!"

The attack sliced up some of the monkey's skin as he pushed forward through the wind. As Aki landed, she took in a deep breath, sucking in a lot of the air in the forest. "Sky Dragon Roar!"

A massive blast of wind erupted from Aki's mouth sending the vulcan spiraling through the air. Then, the young dragon rose her hand as a green aura began surging around her. "I call upon thee, the stout might to clean the heavens! Arms!"

She raced forward, catching up to the monster in no time. She pummeled at it relentlessly at a rapid pace. The vulcan tried its best go get a hit in but caught nothing but air. The bulky fist slammed into the ground as Aki rolled under the beast's feet.

"You stay away from that girl, you hear me?!" Rosa walked up to the monkey holding a torch in her hand.

"Ah!" The vulcan shirked at the sight of the flame and covered its eyes. "Get that thing away from me!" It swiped its arm down and the torch flew out of Rosa's hands.

Aki grinned at that. Now was her big try and finally master her father's signature move. Suddenly, all the fire went directly into Aki's mouth and she let out a loud belch. "Oh, excuse me," she said in a polite tone, blushing a little.

The forest vulcan gasped at this. "I don't believe it...You must be the spawn of that little flaming brat, huh? I heard that Salamander and the Sky Maiden had a child. So that must be you, huh? The Dragonfly."

Aki zeroed in her gaze on the vulcan. "That's right, I'm the daughter of two of the most powerful wizards in the Fairy Tail guild." Her scarf blew around wildly as the wind picked up, her salmon pink locks blowing in front of her eyes. "And I'm also going to be the future number one Wizard Saint! My name is Aki Dragneel, the Sky Flame Dragon!"

A tiny flame lit on Aki's fist. She bit her lip in response. "Come on...grow bigger...grow bigger!" Aki squeezed her eyes tight as she tried to focus all of her power on making the flame larger, but it was futile. She slowly opened her eyes, specks of water dripping off her bottom eyelashes. "Why can't I ever use my fire the way Daddy does?"

"I see now," the brawny monkey said as he marched towards Aki. "You may talk big, but you're still nothing but a little runt. Sky Flame Dragon, huh? Don't make me laugh!"

The massive shadow of the monkey's foot circled around Aki as she winced preparing for the worst. "You leave that girl alone!" Rosa cried out, ready to run up to the vulcan.

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