𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 - 15

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Note: - Sorry guys I was not able to update the second chapter of Innocent One, some problem ⚠️was there with Wattpad yesterday's so, my chapter was deleted. 

Date - 27 August 2020


Serena's POV

Where do I even start? It's been a month since the whole Blake-Kat fiasco went down, and let me tell you, the dust has barely settled on that drama. But, in the aftermath of all that, something kind of amazing happened - Asher, Blake, and I ended up thick as thieves. Especially Asher and me, we're pretty much joined at the hip these days. Most of our hangouts are a toss-up between lounging around at Asher's place or causing a ruckus at my shop.

When I first started popping over to Asher's, his mom and dad were all wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, you know? Like, they couldn't quite wrap their heads around their son having a girl - scratch that, a female best friend.

 But hey, they've warmed up to me now. They toss around words like 'good girl' and 'positive influence', which is kinda hilarious because if they only knew the half of it - like, how head-over-heels I am for their kid.

And then there's the shop, the epicenter of our social universe, where Asher met Kat - Katherine, if we're being formal. He's cool with her, in that easy, breezy way he has with pretty much everyone. 

But when Blake's there, I swear, you can cut the tension with a knife. Asher's got this sixth sense; he always picks up on the weird vibes, even if he doesn't let on.

Kat's been an absolute gem, though. She's in on my little secret - how much I'm crazy about Asher - and she's got this playful streak where she'll rib me right in front of him. It's like walking a tightrope, but thank goodness Asher's clueless. He's got this idea in his head that Kat's just being her usual teasing self, and he's totally oblivious to the fact that I'm practically swooning every time he walks into the room. 

Thank the stars I've got my poker face down to an art. Except around Kat, that is. She's like my emotional kryptonite; she can see right through my 'cool, calm, and collected' act. But hey, what are best friends for if not to keep you on your toes, right?



During the first week of my job in The Koffee Shop, it was peaceful.  Fresh on the scene at The Koffee Shop, steaming milk and slinging espressos like a pro. The vibe was chill, just the hum of the grinder and the occasional "Order up!" cutting through the air. Everyone was all business, no chatter about who's dating who or what wild shenanigans went down over the weekend. And honestly, it was my kind of place. I was digging the simplicity, the routine – it was peaceful, and it let me just focus on the job, you know?

But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and my bubble of work-centric bliss popped pretty quick. It was just after that newbie grace period, you know, when you're not the shiny new toy anymore but not quite part of the furniture either. 

That's when Kat, with her knack for noticing everything, decided to drop a bomb on me in the middle of a shift. She's like, "Do you like to makeup or something because you're very good at it." And I'm standing there, frozen like a deer in the headlights, "Did she really just say that out loud?"

I tried to play it cool, you know? Just shrugged it off, kept my head down, and hoped my blush wasn't showing through my foundation. But Kat, bless her, she's like a dog with a bone – she couldn't let it go. 

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