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POV Emily Potts.
I was annoyed by being forced to stay with those guys. And it wasn't as if I had thrown the coffee on the one guy on purpose. It was an accident. And it was his own fault for sneaking up on me.
But at least the other one with the pretty blue gray eyes had bought nice bath toys and bubble bath.
I cant remember the last time I had this nice of a bath. I was enjoying making this one mermaid doll swim and jump out of the water and knocking some other toys in the tub when miss Rosa from the Foster Care system came in. "Hi miss Rosa!" I smiled up at her. She had always been the nicest person from that system. "Hello little miss Potts. So," she sat down on the toilet seat and looked at me with sparkling light brown eyes and a narrow face framed with her burgundy shoulder length curls. "I hear you have been up to your naughty little tricks again. Em, why were you in Mr. Ashton Parker's dumpster?" She asked with disappointment. Her tone only annoyed me. I huffed and splashed a little "I wasn't!" I lied and she pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows showing she didn't believe me. "But I wasn't!! I wasn't me!!"  I screamed and she shook her head sadly. "Well, lucky for you he isn't pressing any charges for the paint on his wall. Em, that's vandalism. You and I have had this talk before. You agreed to behave and to stay with the nice family I placed you with!" She scolded and I jumped up splashing water all over the floor "They are NOT nice! They are mean! They NEVER do anything! I hate them!!" I screamed and stomped my foot "EMILY! Stop splashing. You've made a huge mess!" She scolded and then stood up and snagged a towel off the counter to wipe up the mess. "Its time to get out." She mumbled at me. "Oh? Well I'm not done." I smirked realizing how close she was to the tub. I plopped down on my butt and water went over her head and shoulders. I smirked when she stood up glaring at me "Little girl!" She warned and I giggled "Not funny!" She snapped then snagged another towel off the counter and started drying off.
"Hows it going in there?" This guy never gave up! I swear this is the hundredth time he has disrupted my bath "I'm fine!" I shouted "for now." Rosa replied while giving me a scowl.
"Oh come on. Its only water." I grumbled "Hmm. Maybe Mr. Ashton Parker will be a good influence on you." She smirked "Wait, what?" I asked. I seriously didn't think they would follow through with this. I was a free bird. I could go anywhere and do anything that I wanted. I wasn't going to be kept by anybody! "I won't agree to this!" I shouted and she chuckled "Not your choice kiddo. Especially when you have been showing all signs of heading to juvie early." "No! I...I'll just run away from him too!" I pouted and got angry when I felt tears start to pool in my eyes. "Lets get you washed up and dried off. You've been in the tub long enough." She shook her head sadly and then knelt down on the towel next to the tub and grabbed the strawberry scented shampoo and started scrubbing my hair. It felt amazing. I closed my eyes loving the feeling of her nails on my scalp. She chuckled and replied softly "We will shampoo your hair twice since you seem to enjoy this so much." "Mmm. Thank you miss Rosa." I moaned and she laughed.
All too soon my bath was done. She unplugged the tub and then held a towel up for me to step into. She wrapped it around me like a cocoon and then wrapped my hair in the towel she had used earlier so we wouldn't use up too many towels. She dried my hair and then brushed it out and put it in two braids on either side of my head. I watched her carefully because I always wanted to learn how to braid my hair.
Once that was done she took the new clothes that the guys had bout and dressed me in some purple sparkly jeans and a white tshirt that had rainbow bright on it. How did he know she was my favorite?
She pulled some rainbow pattern socks out of a bag and put them on me and then I put on my new shoes. They were super cool sparkly pink converse! I bounced out of the bathroom with a huge grin on my face. "Thank you for my new clothes!" I grinned and one of the guys nodded and replied "You are most welcome little Ladybug." He smiled warmly at me and I smiled back.
"So, are ya hungry?" The mean guy who had hauled me into the house asked and I glared at him. "What's it to you?" I snapped and he frowned "Em?" Rosa warned and I huffed and rolled my eyes "ug! Yes! Fine! I could eat." I groaned "Hm. Well, I happen to be a decent cook. Rosa, do you feel like having lunch yet? I can whip up some of my famous chicken and ranch tacos." He looked to her and I became suspicious of him. He was going to do that annoying adult thing where you have to be nice or what was offered to you goes to someone else. Well I just wouldn't play along. First chance I got, I was going to sneak out and run away. I looked around but didn't see my ladybug jacket anywhere. Mr. Ashton and Miss Rosa walked off and into the kitchen. I looked over at the twin guys. The one that I had spilled coffee on had changed into faded blue jeans and a black tshirt. He was sitting on a futon and was reading some business magazine. I pursed my lips and shuffled my feet. I probably should apologize for the coffee. It probably burned him. I let out a big sigh and slowly walked over to him and when he glanced up at me with curious light brown eyes I fidgeted with my fingers and looked down at my hands "I...Im sorry if you got burnt by the coffee." "Thank you. It did burn. But I'm okay. Do you want to tell me why you thought it was okay to get in our cars and take Harvey's coffee?" He asked with one dark brow raised. For some strange reason, this disapproving look he gave me made my stomach feel funny and I felt....guilt! He made me feel guilty and I didn't like it. "No! I....I just..." I couldn't think of anything to say so I went with my usual. "It wasn't me! I..I didn't do it!" I stomped my foot and crossed my arms and glared at him.
He closed his magazine and set it down on the coffee table and then gently grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap. "Emily," he spoke calmly and that kind of made me feel a little better "You and I both know that you were in our cars, that you took Harvey's coffee out of his car and that when you drank some it burnt your mouth and, without looking you threw it and it went all over me. We have gone over the coffee being thrown on me. That part is done and over with. But we haven't delt with why you thought getting into a stranger's car and taking their drink was okay." He was so calm. He wasn't angry. If anything it felt like we were just talking. All my anger faded.
"I thought it would be funny. I-I didn't th-think that anybody would be hurt." I replied and he smiled and nodded "Okay, well, in the future if you are going to do something like that I want you to consider this. First, you didn't know what kind of people we are. We could have been bad people who could have done bad things to you and nobody would know where you were or that you needed help. Also, what if Harvey had some kind of sickness. You drinking off of his cup could make you sick. Or maybe he put something in the drink that wouldn't be okay for a little girl to have. What you did was dangerous. I understand that you didn't know that before, but now that you know, I will expect you to make better decisions. Okay?" I listened and nodded. He was smart. I would pay attention to this advice. After we talked I climbed off of his lap and then remembered my ladybug rain jacket. Maybe I'd stick around and just see how this goes.

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