thirteen - the plan

Start from the beginning

As he got closer to La Push his phone started to ring which he answered after the third ring, "Yeah?"

"Hey, when are you getting back to La Push?" Liam's voice came over the speakers of his phone, "Paul hasn't moved from the front porch since he called you. It's kind of funny to see him so worried."

Josiah chuckled. "I'm almost home. Just a couple of minutes. And can you actually tell Paul to meet me at Sam and Emily's house? I need to tell the pack something."

"Sure, I'll let him know. See you in a bit."

A groan escaped his lips at the thought of telling his little brother ― as well as Liam ― what he and the Cullens talked about. About the plan to lure out the blood thirsty vampire that was after both him and his best friend.

Josiah arrived at Sam and Emily's house in no time. He stepped out of his Jeep and headed straight inside where the rest of the pack was already seated in the small living room. His light brown eyes immediately fell on Leah, who was seated next to her brother, and sent her a quick smile ― which she returned. The next person he made eye contact with was his brother and he did not look very happy.

"What the hell were you thinking Josiah!" Paul was the first to voice his thoughts, "Why would you go to the leeches house, by yourself?" The eldest Lahote couldn't help but roll his eyes at his brother's exaggeration.

"They didn't hurt me," Josiah pointed out, "Carlisle actually helped me. A vampire was following me when I was in Forks." Leah stared at Josiah with knitted eyebrows, a bad feeling forming at the pit of her stomach. The rest of the pack seem to have the same feeling as they stared at Josiah with a similar expression.

Sam exhaled softly, stress falling on his shoulders, "So there is more than the one we just killed." Josiah just nodded in conformation, "Yeah."

"I was talking with the Cullens," Josiah began, "We came up with a plan to lure out the vampire so you guys could kill him or they ― if there is more than one."

"What's the plan?" Liam asked, furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips. Josiah chewed on his bottom lip in hesitation, he knew they were not going to like the plan. But it was the only way.

Josiah sighed. "I would have to... go into the woods and lure out the vampire with my scent―"

"Absolutely not!" Paul and Leah exclaimed at the same time. Other times the pack would have found it funny but right now they couldn't agree more.

"Josiah―" Sam gave the eldest Lahote a look.

"I know what you guys are going to say but," Josiah pointed between Liam and himself, "Liam and I can help lure out the vampire."

"I think it's a good plan." Liam agreed. "Jay and I wouldn't be completely defenseless, ok. We have our guns."

Paul scoffed in amusement. "Guns won't kill a leech easily." Josiah couldn't help but frown at his brother. Pure anger seemed to radiate off of him in the way he glared at Liam and narrowed his eyes in Josiah's direction. The soldier wondered what caused his brother to have so much anger inside of him. Of course he understood why Paul was upset at the idea of his older brother putting himself in danger, but he didn't know why he was very hostile towards the idea. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was with the Cullens ― who are vampires. Suddenly, he thought back to what the packs told him about Paul. The fact that his little brother seemed to be a hot-head.

"Yeah but you guys would be there and so would the Cullens. We wouldn't be entirely alone." Josiah stated.

Leah shook her head. She didn't like this idea one bit.

Sam seemed to be giving the idea a thought. Josiah did not look away from Sam, knowing he was the alpha, "We can help and it would help you guys catch them faster." Josiah plead with his eyes.

Sighing, Sam rubbed his forehead. "Alright."

"What! Sam―" Paul protested. Leah's icy stare towards Sam sent shivers down Josiah's spine. The Clearwater couldn't believe Sam agreed to a plan where it would put her imprint in harm's way. She felt herself start to shake in anger causing her to head straight out ― Josiah did not hesitate to follow after her.

"Leah." Josiah called out to the dark brown eyed girl. Leah stopped but didn't turn around. She didn't want him to see her like this ― at the brink of phasing.

"Stay where you are," Leah whispered, "I don't want to hurt you."

Josiah's heart broke at the fear that dripped from Leah's words. He cautiously took small steps towards her, "You won't hurt me. I trust you." Standing just behind her Josiah was able to make out Leah clenching her fists against her sides to control her shaking. Slowly, with his right hand, Josiah grabbed one of her shaking hands and cradled it softly. His touch warmed Leah's heart and sent sparks up and down her arm. Her anger seemed to have evaporated in the summer heat as soon as she felt Josiah's touch ― her whole body relaxed. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes.

"I don't want you getting hurt," Leah's voice cracked, "As your imprint, I'm supposed to protect you. It feels like I'm not doing that if I just let you put yourself in danger." Meeting his eyes Leah noticed the way Josiah's eyes seemed to turn hazel when sunlight touched his brown irises.

Josiah couldn't help but smile brightly at Leah's confession. His arms wrapped around the Clearwater girl before he even realized he was doing it; it was like an immediate response.

"Everything will be alright," Josiah reassured the girl in his arms. Leah's arms wrapped around Josiah's middle loosely, still in shock with the fact that she was in her imprint's arms ― her heart felt like it was going 100 miles an hour.


Once again, Josiah laid wide awake next to his snoring brother. However, nightmares did not plague his mind like every other night. Instead, the soldier could only think about what would happen the following day. His eyes wandered from different spots on the ceiling of his and his brother's room. Josiah Lahote had decided against taking any sleeping pills since he wanted to feel like himself when he came face to face with a vampire (taking sleeping pills made him really drowsy and dizzy).

Getting bored from simply staring at his ceiling, Josiah decided to head out into the kitchen to get a refresher. To his surprise ― not really ― Liam sat at the dining table with a cup of coffee in hand, a distant look in his eyes.

"Can't sleep?" Josiah broke his friend's train of thought.

Liam shook his head. "You too?"

Josiah just nodded and headed towards the fridge where he took out a carton of milk. He then opened a cabinet where he took out a cup and poured some milk.

"What's keeping you up?" Liam asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

Josiah shrugged, "Just thinking about tomorrow. You?"

Liam rubbed his jaw, contemplating whether or not to tell his friend. Josiah seemed to have noticed since he gave his friend a look that told him 'I know you want to say something so say it.'

"I was thinking about Chris and Izzie."

"Have you heard from Sarah or Sammy?" Josiah asked while keeping his stare fixed on his cup of milk, his hands shaking slightly as he brought the brim of the cup to his lips. Liam noticed but decided not to point it out in fear of Josiah shutting him out if he did. Liam shook his head, not saying anything afterwards.

Silence fell between them. And thankfully it wasn't awkward or tense. Just peaceful silence. Now all they could think about was the hunt that awaited them tomorrow.

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