Chapter 5. Promise.

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Darryl knew that Zak was coming. He was not told so, but he overheard Clay and Vincent fighting about it.

Clay really managed to set Vincent off by calling him a traitor. The French man punched Dream in the face and whispered with his voice breaking: "No. You listen to me. Darryl is not happy. He is content. But he is not happy. If he was happy, he would not be hiding away and smoking and destroying my fence with his knives and he would be sleeping. And the only one who can make him happy is Zak."

The two did not speak for the rest of the day. Darryl did not intervene, choosing to think about what to say to Zak. He actually had no idea. He wanted to lash out... but he also wanted to just sit and listen to what Zak had to say. After all, he missed him.

They were best friends for something, and ultimately, soulmates. If Zak wanted to be his soulmate that is... if not they could find a way to get rid of the connection. It was possible, he had read about it before... it was sad and certain to be painful as hell for both soulmates. Getting rid of the person he longed for his entire life, the one he was in love with? He had not thought about that before. It was a scary thought that shook Darryl down to the core. But he figured he would find out soon enough.

He heard Zak pacing around. His senses were heightened due to the lack of sleep and anticipation. So he crept to the door and opened it, his eyes widening slightly.

Zak was here. And he was panicking. Darryl felt his heart clench when the small man sat down and curled up trying to calm down:

"Get yourself together, you fucking coward." Coward? Zak was anything but a coward. He was here even though he messed up a lot, and he was going to face his fear.

"I wouldn't say you are a coward since you're here." He didn't mean to say it. He didn't mean to reveal his presence. But what's done is done. And now he was facing a pale and shocked Zak.

He frowned as he saw the smaller one gasping for air. All he really wanted now was to wrap Zak in a blanket, make him tea, press him really close and cuddle for the rest of the night. But he could not do that since Zak was probably here to tell him he did not want anything to do with him. But nevertheless, he could do something to soothe his panic.

He gently squeezed his shoulder and called his name, softly.

"Zak." What he did not expect was for the other to burst out in tears.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I had-" he started furiously rubbing his eyes. "I had this whole... speech prepared. But you're here and-" Darryl's eyebrows flew up as Zak bit his hand trying to stop any sounds coming up.

"Zak... What are you doing?" His second hand slowly came up to Zak's hand, pulling it away from his mouth. They both flinched and froze at the contact, Zak's hand still in Darryl's.

They say that a soulmate's touch, especially the first touch ever, is special for all types of connections. They both now realised it was true. He felt a pleasant feeling spread through his veins and neither let go of one another. Zak started to cry even more.

"I am so, so, sorry..." Darryl didn't say anything, but he did not let go of his hand. "This was not meant... to happen like this. Our first meeting and first touch, I mean..." Zak sobbed and squeezed Darryl's hand. "It was meant to be special and I- I ruined it."

"Zak." Zak did not hear him, continuing to apologise.

"And I'm so sorry for hurting you. I regretted saying that the moment the words came out of my mouth and I heard you speak and then..." Darryl suddenly understood what happened then.

"You remember...?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry. I get it if you don't want me anymore, but I just wanted you to know how sorry I am." He frowned and slid his palm across Zak's cheek, wiping his tears away and making the other freeze.

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