Chapter 1. Realisation. Part 1.

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Everyone in the world has a soulmate. It's an unbreakable connection that is said to survive any challenge. The only catch is that there were different types of connections: red string, first words, flying sparks, heartbeats, eye colour... and so on. However, whatever the circumstance, Fate would always lead you to your other half.

That's what Darryl was always told at least. His parent's connection was through thoughts. They could communicate with each other by just thinking and Darryl had always thought that was incredible. He would dream for hours about meeting his soulmate, but his connection was unclear. He didn't have a red string or a phrase on his wrist, he didn't seem to have anything. The only thing different about him from the rest of the society was that he never remembered his dreams. But how would that help his situation? His parents said not to worry and just wait, fate had something in mind for him. And they were right...

It didn't happen right away. After he met Skeppy, that is. They became friends, then best friends, then A6d joined and the trio was formed and then.... he saw him. And he remembered.

He was a dreamwalker. Now, dreamwalking was a rare type of connection, where you dream about or with your soulmate. It's usually lucid dreams, but sometimes when the soulmate wants to be left alone, you just dream of them. The only catch was... you don't remember the dreams until you fall in love with them.

The first time he saw Zak in his dreams was amazing and terrifying at the same time. It was after they won Minecraft Monday and he said he loved Skeppy and could kiss him... he went to sleep with that thought in his mind. He opened his eyes in the dreamscape. He was in a field filled with lavender flowers and he could see the sea ahead of him. This place reminded him of a place in France Vincent told them about, he really wanted to go here in the future with the Trio... he turned around and saw Zak catching up to him, and extended his hand to him, smiling softly at the smaller one.

"Zak! Come on!" He blushed when Zak's fingertips slid across his palm and their hands closed. Darryl pulled him close putting his free hand on his waist.

"You said something about wanting to kiss me?" Zak's lips were curled in a mischievous smile and his eyes were sparkling and...

"I did, didn't I?" He smiled back, feeling Zak's free hand cup his cheek in a romantic gesture and leaned in connecting their lips. This was a feeling he could get used to. The feeling of Zak's warm lips against his, their hands connected and pressing him as close as he could. It felt electrifying and so, so right.

And then he woke up. He remembered everything. Every single detail. The scent of lavender and the sea in the air, his hands wrapped around Zak, and Zak's gorgeous dark eyes.

And suddenly he couldn't breathe. Zak was his soulmate. Skeppy. His best friend. Was his soulmate. He gasped trying to get air in his lungs. He was in love with Zak. He was in love with Zak. He was in love.... how did that even happen?!

Of course, sure, Zak was adorable and cute and he had bright eyes and the biggest smile and gorgeous eyebrows and he was funny and charming and precious and... oh. Oh.

He finally reached for his phone and scrolled through his contacts not knowing what to do. He had to talk to someone about this. But who? Vincent was asleep, it was late. He definitely was not calling Zak. He didn't even realise what he was doing until Dream's sleepy voice called his name.

"Bad? It's 5 am. Why are you even awake?"

"Dream? Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't notice I-" he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Why was he crying? What's going on? Everything should be fine. This should not be happening! "I'm sorry, I woke you up. I'll just hang up now and you go back to sle-" he was spiralling. This was not good.

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