Chapter 2. Realisation - Part 2.

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Zak really thought it would be funny. To pretend to be his best friend's soulmate on stream. Come on, it's Bad! They love each other, they are best friends, nothing too horrible can happen, right?

Wrong. He should have thought this through. He needs to learn to deal with the consequences of his own actions. Because he fucked up. He fucked up really really bad. He should have waited for Vincent to read this plan and answer. No. He should not have done this at all. Now Darryl hates him.

He didn't know his connection type but he just made up one. He had a few options, but somehow he thought a tattoo would be okay. Or voices in his head. He decided to settle on the latter since is was more believable.

And now Zak could not stop thinking about the greatest mistake of his life.

"Hey, Bad?" No, Nonono... stop. Don't say it. Stop. Stop. You'll hurt him.

"Yeah?" Please. Don't say it. Why did he do it?

"I think I'm your soulmate." Pause. Rewind. Don't do it. Why can't he go back in time and fix his mistake?

"...what?" Oh, he sounded so confused... but happy. He sounded happy. Zak felt like a nightmare, a disease, a curse. But he didn't stop at that, no he continued to torment Darryl.

"Yeah, um... recently I have been hearing a voice in my head." A sharp breath from Darryl, a red flag. Something was wrong. Oh, dear god, why did Zak have to be so stupid and selfish. "And I just realised it's yours."

There was no reply. The chat was spamming 'OMG SKEPHALO IS REAL' but Darryl did not reply.

"Bad...?" Zak smiles awkwardly into his face cam, confused.

And then it came. Zak had never been more scared in his life. Because Darryl's warm and kind voice was empty and lifeless.

"You know, Zak. The worst part about this. That it would have worked. And I would have believed you. And I did. For a split second... for just a second, I did believe you." Zak started to panic, but he couldn't move. Fear overtook him and then realisation hit. "But you made a mistake. I'm not connected to my soulmate, who is, just so you know, a fucking asshole, through a voice in my head. I am a dreamwalker. I see him every night. I love him. And I know that he doesn't love me back."

"Darryl, I-" he swallowed, fighting back tears. He had to fix this. Now. "I'm so-"

"No. Save it. I don't want to hear this right now." Zak could practically hear the pain in Darryl's voice and it tore him apart. "I can forgive you for anything, Zak. Hell, I would forgive you for murder. But this... has it ever occurred to you, that I might be in pain because you decided to pretend to be my soulmate in front of millions of people on stream? I just... I'm done. Do not contact me. I will talk to you when... if, I'm ready. Goodbye."

"Darryl! Wait, no, I-"

'User disconnected from your channel.'

Zak felt a tear slide down his cheek as he sat there wide eyed, staring at the screen. He unfroze and scrambled to end the stream, not even bothering to look at the comments. He knew he'd get hate. But that did not matter. Because he just fucked up his relationship with his best friend.

'User joined your channel.'

Zak perked up hopefully, wiping his eyes and whispered. "Darryl?"

"Zak. You did not, actually do that, right? Please, please, please tell me you didn't?" Vincent never begged anyone. But this was a special occasion. He just woke up and saw Skeppy's message and hurried online praying he would be in time to stop him. But he was too late.

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