Chapter 1

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The ninja were fighting and had just returned to the bounty "That was awesome!" Bursted out Jay.
"Hey where's master Wu?" Cole asked as they searched for him. "Uncle, there you are." said Lloyd as he noticed Wu holding a scroll. The others came into the room.
"What are you holding master?" asked Zane.
"This is the scroll of the Galaxy ninja." answered Wu.
"The Galaxy ninja?" the ninja asked.
"I suppose I should tell you about the legend of the galaxy ninja." said Wu as the ninja came closer to him. "The galaxy ninja is said to hold unspeakable power. Not much is known of this mysterious person as for if dark forces knew what the galaxy ninja could do they would corrupt them. The galaxy ninja also plays a very important role,for they have sworn to protect the green ninja no matter what." said Wu as he told the story.
"WOW!" said Jay.
"So when do we meet him?" said Cole.
"Don't you mean her?" said Nya, walking past.
"Whoever they are I look forward to meeting them."said Lloyd as they exited the room.

"There's been a bank robbery." said Nya as the security camera picked up multiple snakes.
"Snakes"said Cole
"Time for some action." said Kai excited.They went down to the bank to find the money and the snakes were gone. But what they did find was a huge hole leading to the sewers. They hopped down the big hole to land on a train. Inside the train were the snakes. "Ha, would you look at that?" said Kai realising the snakes were inside.
"How do we get inside?" asked Cole.
"I think Kai just answered your question." replied Zane as Kai was pulled into the train. Zane, Cole ,Jay and Lloyd jumped into the train. "Ssssso nice of you to join usssss." said one of the snakes.
"Guys a little help." said Kai, being squeezed by another snake.
"Not ssso tough without your weaponss."replied the snake. Lloyd blasted him with his power, making him release Kai. "Who needs weapons when you've got the green ninja." said Kai.
"Er guys not to panic you but WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!!!''shouted Jay as the snake jumped out the train.
"How do we stop this thing?" asked Lloyd. As they were about to crash into the wall when suddenly out of nowhere came a person who managed to stop the train. The ninja hopped out of the train to see a person dressed in a purple ninja suit with stars.

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