Chapter 6: This boy is going to be the death of me.

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When I pull into the school's parking lot, I automatically find my assigned spot. After pulling into the space I look into the mirror. Satisfied that my liner didn't smear, I give myself my usual pep talk.

"It's high school. No one will hurt you. You are a normal teenager. You don't have to worry about mothering anyone, being cut up by anyone, or annoying step moms that don't come to your defense. Your biggest problem is school work, being tired, and not having Starbucks. Ok, GO!" And with that I hop out of my truck and plaster a very convincing smile on my face. High school is a whole new playing field for me. There are annoying couples, dumb guys, prissy girls, and frustrated teachers. But, I kind of love it. I love hearing about everyone's problems, and sometimes I hear the same stuff so many times that I can almost pretend that they are my problems, too. I walk to my locker and pull out phone. Unlocking the phone and going to my messages, I text Jamie, "Don't forget about Taya at 11:30." After a minute Jamie replies, "I never do". I huff at that, well you forget other things like the safety of your children, I think to myself. "Just don't forget her." I reply, ending the conversation.

"Hey, girl!" I hear from my left and smile. I turn around to Victoria and Libby walking towards me. Victoria grabs my backpack, and Libby my phone. I unzip the backpack and start putting my books in my locker.

"How are you all?" I casually say to them while simultaneously unloading my things.

"I've been better, Russel was being a dick today." Libby says, while rolling her eyes. Russel is Libby's older dead-beat brother who is a college drop out and lives at home. It would be ok if he was hot, but unfortunately, modeling doesn't look like a promising career for him. Maybe hand modeling...

"Oooh, that sucks. I'm really glad I'm the oldest." I say, half meaning it. "How was the time with Thomas yesterday?" I ask Victoria, my voice laced with bitterness, but either she doesn't hear it or she ignores it. She sighs and gets that dreamy look again.

"It was good. We stayed at McDonald's for like two more hours after you left." I give her a funny look, a mixture of amazement and appalled. I'm one of those people who cant stay in one place to long or I start getting nervous and almost have a panic attack. It's a slight blessing, and a curse. It spares all my money when I'm shopping but I also don't get to enjoy a place as long as I'd like to.

"What did y'all do?" I ask, wondering what possibly could have kept them cooped up there for so long.

"We talked, joked, flirted. The usual."

"What about that Lucas guy?" I try to ask nonchalantly.

"He was pretty quiet, mostly just on his phone. God he was hot." She adds the last part with a smile at me. A bout of jealousy runs through me, and I stand there slightly confused for a second before I respond.

"Sure." Is all I say, but I cant get the sight of his dark eyes out of my mind.

"He asked about you." She casually mentions. My heart takes off on a wild rampage in my chest. But, again, I reply with indifference, trying not to show any sign of my intense interest.

"What, did he ask about my cost, which Thomas so politely brought up?" I say with a deadpan look, although now that I think about it, he probably did. 

Victoria looks slightly guilty again, but says, "No, but he asked if you would be upset because of your shirt." I discreetly slouch in disappointment. I was hoping it would be more along the lines of 'Whats her number? I need to propose to her and see how many babies she wants!' At this I laugh, and then start fantasizing about what our babies would look like. They would be stunners, with my blonde hair and his dark eyes... WAIT HOLD UP. Natalie, keep it in your pants, and get your shit together!

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