Chapter 3: Who Cares if he Smells like Jesus?!

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*** Lucas is in the media bar ***

I spot Victoria's straight strawberry blonde hair and model-worthy figure. She sees me and starts walking towards me, an awkwardly funny smile plastered on her face, making me chuckle.

"Hey, doll face," I call out.

"Hey, weenie." she replies with a wink. Once we reach each other, we start heading into the parking lot.

"How was your day?" I say while simultaneously pulling out my keys from my backpack.

"It was good, Thomas and I talked a lot in Spanish," as she says this, she sighs dreamily, resulting in a snort from me and I look over at her in slight annoyance. Thomas is her boy-toy. I guess you could say he is attractive, and he's really funny once you get him going, but he's also a first class ass. It's an understatement to say I don't like him. The only thing keeping me from openly sharing these opinions with him is the fact that Victoria likes him so much. She stares back at me and I see her splash of freckles over her tan skin. Her lips pull down into a frown.

"Don't start talking bad about him again." She huffs.

"Then I recommend not bringing him up?" This earns me a dirty look. "Ugh, I'm sorry. What did you all talk about?" I perk up that last question so that her feelings aren't hurt and to sound interested (although I am far from it).

As we reach my black 1999 Ford F150, she replies cheerfully, "How we are going to the movies this Friday."

"Wow, that sounds amazing. Movie dates are the best, you really get to know the other person when you're staring at a huge screen in the dark and not talking." I say with an enthusiastic nod. 

"Is there ever a time when you're not being sarcastic?" She asks, her tone dry.

"Nope. It's my aesthetic." I smirk and nudge her with my shoulder.

"You're lucky I love you despite of it." She laughs along with me and loops her arm around mine.

"Hey, I have a genius idea. Lets go get some food and you can keep going on about how you love me!" I laugh as we climb into the vehicle and I start to reverse after we are both buckled.

"You had me at food." she says jokingly and turns up the radio. I sing along as "She Will be Loved" by Maroon5 comes on. Victoria taps out the beat but doesn't sing. That's where our differences begin. Where she is 5'5 and super skinny (in a healthy way), I am 5'1 on a good day and have an hour-glass figure with curves to spare. I often make jokes with her about how I'm going to join the "itty-bitty-titty-committee" and she has actually gone as far as punching my arm because she has no bust and I, well, am the opposite. My hair is the same strawberry blonde, but I have some brown/red roots and bleach-blonde highlights added into my beach-wavy mess. As I reach a red light, I look into the mirror and check my eyeliner for any smudges. looking back at me are my gray/blue eyes with a tiny bit of brownish-green circling the pupil, a nice contrast to my bronze skin. I smack my full lips to re-administer even coverage of my chap stick. Soon we pull into McDonald's parking lot and Victoria whoops in excitement. Don't let her fool you with her tiny figure. This girl can eat more food than a stoner with the munchies. As we walk in, she quickly goes up to the cashier and orders.

"Two double cheeseburgers and a medium fry and drink, please." She casually says to the guy taking her order.

"Everything on those burgers?" He asks, looking at her in surprise, taking in her small frame. She just looks at him like he has said the most stupid thing she has ever heard.

"Duh." She replies, a look of incredulity on her face. The cashier is taken aback and possibly even a little bit embarrassed and I laugh at the look on his face.

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