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The two became very close quickly. Polyphina was still in disbelief she had met someone. She was still mulling over the fact that her loneliness was caused by a trickster, and there had been no reason for her to not have been out among humans and other nymphs. She shouldn't have been pushing lost humans away.

Brierra saw that something was troubling her new friend, but didn't want to prod. Instead, she braided the naiad's hair in two long plaits that went down to her hips, both thinking to themselves. The chatter of squirrels and birds filled the nymph's silence.

The sun began to set and the pair said goodnight to each other before parting ways. Polyphina watched the dryad practically skip into her forest. A pang of anxiety hit and she was scared she wouldn't see her new friend again, that it was all just a cruel joke. She tried to shake that feeling, touching the neatly done braids over her shoulders. She laid on the rock she was on. The one on which she spent just that morning trying to calm herself down on, and the afternoon and evening with Brierra. She took a deep breath and stared at the constellations spread out above her, imagining them coming to life around her until sleep overtook her.

The next morning, Polyphina was awoken by soft giggles seemingly inches away from her face. She slowly opened her eyes and was met with familiar hazel eyes staring right back her, only a few inches away. Relief swept over her. Not just because she knew she wasn't in danger, but because Brierra wasn't just a figment of her imagination.

"I was wondering when you'd finally wake up. I've been up since dawn broke. I got bored of waiting," Brierra sighed, sitting down next to her in the lush patch of grass just before the edge of the stream. "I want to show you something today. You're a nymph and there's some things you need to know."

Polyphina's eyes lit up, excitement and nervousness mixing in her mind. She knew that there were things she missing by Pan telling her to to not leave her stream, but didn't have much of an idea as to what exactly those things were. "I'm ready."

Brierra grinned and grabbed her hand, pulling the water nymph up from the stone and to her feet. "Well, let's get started. Follow me." She headed towards her forest. Polyphina trailed behind her, eyes darting all around to take everything in. She was really leaving her stream; this was the farthest she'd ever gone. There was no longer any water in sight, just trees and the cloudless sky. Bird songs she'd never heard filled the air, along with the rich smell of pine needles and things she couldn't even pinpoint. She was careful to not trip on any roots, but Brierra had taken amazing care of her woods and there wasn't any other obstacle.

"Where are we going?" the naiad asked.

"Nymphs have a duty to helping the mortal humans around them. I'm constantly helping them, and I think it's about time you introduce yourself to them," she replied as she bent down to smell a patch of flowers that were unknown to Polyphina.

She had a feeling that this is what they would be doing. She knew there was a town nearby, as she had to keep them from coming close to her stream. Well, at least she thought she had to do that.

They walked for another half hour before the village was visible. The roofs of houses jutted into the skyline and were contrasted with the surrounding trees. Awe filled Polyphina. She'd known that humans had secluded themselves more from nature and built shelter, but she never imagined something so beautiful. She was overwhelmed by just how much of the world she had been missing out on.

"Stay behind me, and stay calm. You're a nymph. They have expectations of how you should be." That was the first time Polyphina had heard her companion be serious. Gone was her cheeky smile and wild eyes.

Polyphina collected herself, getting ready to be face to face with the humans. She had an idea of what was expected of her from what Brierra had told her yesterday. They might ask her to grace their crops or something like that.

She thought seeing humans for the first time would freak her out, but they were nowhere near as intimidating as she expected them to be. They were plain looking, with cloth clothes and dark hair and gentle eyes. Few people paid them more than a respectful glance. Polyphina was still just taking everything in. The ground was made of something other than dirt that kept it flat and easy to maneuver.

Brierra was talking to a couple humans, all of them seeming very kind and gentle. That relieved her greatly. They were held in respect.

A smaller human approached Polyphina, her eyes wide and curious. "Who are you?" the human asked in a high pitched, innocent voice. A few other humans gather around her to hear her answer, as they too were curious about this stranger.

She knelt down to the small girl. "My name is Polyphina. I'm a nymph, and and I live in the stream nearby. I wanted to properly introduce myself to all of as I want to help you all." She stood up, now looking at the small crowd that formed around her. The shy side of her wanted to blush and turn around, but she felt strong and confident. Brierra gave her an encouraging smile, which meant she was doing a good job.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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