Chapter 10: Nightfall.

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The sun was hot, and the horses were wet with sweat, adding to the stickiness Caspian felt as they rode. Flies were everywhere, biting them and buzzing around their heads. 

“You know,” Isidro began as he tried to wave the flies away. “-if we had a piece of rotting meat to keep them busy, maybe they’d leave us alone. You know, go for the better target.”

Caspian rolled his eyes. “Or maybe we would just attract more flies and maybe a wild beast while we’re at it.” He pointed out.

Hiram scoffed and slapped a fly. “I think I’d rather a wild beast to these scoundrels.” He growled in irritation. 

A muffled chuckle distracted them all and they turned to Jamaal, who was riding a few feet from the rest of them and smirking. It only took a moment to realize the source of his amusement: there was hardly a single fly near him!

“Hey! Why aren’t they eating you?!” Isidro exclaimed, exasperated.

Jamaal shrugged. “I practice hygiene.” He offered, smirk growing wider.

Hiram suddenly directed his horse at him and hurled himself out of the saddle, tackling him. The pair hit the ground hard, and Jamaal groaned as the larger knight landed on him. 

“Okay, I give! I rubbed a herb on myself and my horse that the bugs hate.” He coughed out, pointing to a wilted plant hanging from his saddle bag.

Hiram rolled off of him and inspected the plant, then went off to find his own. Caspian and Isidro waited, holding the horses while he did so, then accepted the herbs from him when he returned and set about rubbing it on themselves.

All the while, Jamaal stayed on the ground where he was, squinting up at the sun. Even when they were ready to move on, he stayed still.

Hiram walked over and stood over him. “Come on, you’re not hurt.”

Jamaal shook his head. “Nope, but I didn’t get here by my own free will, so I’m not getting up by my own freewill either.” He mumbled, pretending to doze off.

The larger warrior rolled his eyes and threw him over his shoulder, then tossed him over the back of his horse. “We’ll never get anywhere with you.” He muttered.

Jamaal stayed that way, slung across his horse’s back for a while, and let his steed just follow them. Caspian shook his head, smirking. He was the only person who could get on Hiram’s nerves quite like that.

The herb certainly worked, and the ride became much more pleasant, aside from the hot sun and sweat.

*        *       *

Once they had loaded as much as they could onto their own ship, and stripped what materials they needed for repairs from the captured ship, they set a fire to it and let it loose.

Katili took her share of the spoils to the sleeping quarters. There were many hammocks hanging there, but in the far corner hung hers, and beneath it sat her chest. She opened it and began stowing away her new possessions. 

She didn't have much, but she'd been slowly collecting items over the years, selling some for money, keeping others for herself. Mostly, she kept clothes and bedding for her own comfort. 

But every once in a while she found herself keeping other items she had no use for, almost as though a part of her heart still hoped for a life beyond what she had now.

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