Chapter 1: Oops.

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He lay still, listening carefully. His heart pounded in his ears, and it felt as though anyone within throwing distance should be able to hear it. But the footsteps passed without pausing.

A gentle tap on his ankle told him he wasn't alone. He twitched his foot in response, then cautiously raised his body above the ground, peering over the tall grass. The guards were all out of earshot.

He crawled forward, careful not to kick up dust. He finally reached the wall and stood, pressing his back against the hot stone. Sweat was rolling down his back already, as he'd been working on reaching the wall all day. But they had finally reached a hidden supply door of the city wall.

Beside him, Isidro, Jamaal, and Hiram all lined up against the wall as well. If not for the situation, he would've laughed at their appearances. They were disheveled and streaked in dirt from head to toe.

Caspian smirked a little, then took a deep breath and reached for the door. It was meant to be an easy way to get supplies in and out for the soldiers, as well as an easy way for the soldiers to get to their posts, rather than having to walk all the way around the city wall.

Now, it was going to be their way in. He took one last glance at his friends, receiving a nod from Isidro. Then he opened the door and led the rush in.

He ran straight into a soldier, who was about to leave said door. The man's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth opening- without thinking Caspian shoved his hand inside, muffling the sound that tried to escape.

He kneed the man in the stomach, knocking the breath from his lungs, and Isidro whacked the side of the soldier's head. The man collapsed to the floor with a clatter.

Caspian winced. "That could've gone better."

"And quieter." Jamaal added glancing at the doorways around them.

Hiram and Isidro just shook their heads and dragged the guy to some crates, pulling the cloth used to cover them over the body. "Let's just go." Isidro urged.

Caspian nodded and continued to lead the way, carefully paying attention to the sounds and air around them. It took a few minutes, but eventually he heard the sounds of a bustling city, and felt the breeze of fresh air in the halls of the wall.

He followed these, and soon the four found themselves at another doorway. This one, led into the city. Caspian quickly brushed what dirt he could off himself, running a hand through his dark hair to smooth it a bit.

His friends did the same, and followed him out. Acting normal was the hardest part, as triumphant grins kept trying to escape. But they weren't done yet. They still had to find a way into the castle.

But they took their time, enjoying the city around them. The markets were full of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as many young animals for sale. His stomach growled, and one glance at his friends told him they were equally hungry.

They'd been outside the city all day, casing it, finding the best spot to sneak in, and crawling through the grass. Eating had been a low priority. Now, he realized, that was a mistake.

Caspian shook his head at the mistake. They would just have to wait. But after they completed their objective, the feast would be plentiful. Eating had been a low priority. Now, he realized, that was a mistake.

Caspian shook his head at the mistake. They would just have to wait. But after they completed their objective, the feist would be plentiful.

He led the way through the streets, weaving around the many carts and merchants. It was one of the many advantages to a busy city; they could easily disappear from sight in seconds, and no one would notice them long enough to grow suspicious. But it was also a security disadvantage for whatever King ruled that city.

The King's SecretOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant