Chapter 7: The First Voyage.

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The world was much larger than he had once thought, for all he knew had turned out to be a mere share of an island. As it turned out, there were four kingdoms sharing the island, then there was water all around and other islands some distance away. 

“Find something interesting?”

Caspian jumped a little and looked up to find the King smiling at him from across the table. It had been three days since the battle in the village, and he had taken to studying in the library after completing his duties each day. The King had invited him to do so, and often joined him for time, teaching him a great many things. 

Caspian nodded sheepishly. “I did not know we were on an island, sir. I also knew nothing of the kingdom of Laotrem.”

The King’s smile grew and he rubbed his beard thoughtfully. “Ah, yes. I suppose most your age would not know that, especially if you haven’t heard many stories.”

He pointed to a bookshelf to his right. “Those are filled with the old tales of the island, many of which have not been told often. Laotrem is ruled by King Esteban, a good king, about my age. I do not know him well, he is a quieter man, though his manner is often taken to be rather rash. But I have no doubt of his wisdom.”

King Alton nodded towards the map. “I think the most interesting tale is the tale of Roemma. It once stood in No-Man’s-Land you see, until the old King died. His son was next in line for the throne, but an adviser thought him unfit for the position and tried to take it from him.”

His eyes fluttered away to a painting on the wall, a painting of a battle between the commoners, soldiers, and knights in a great kingdom. “A battle broke out, and the kingdom was torn in half, each side going their own way. They became Rayndra and Adrelawin.”

A chill worked it’s way up Caspian’s spine as he recalled the fury in the eyes of the Adrelawin knights he’d encountered. “So that’s why there’s such tension between them?” He asked.

King Alton glanced at him. “There has long been tension between our peoples, but many have forgotten its origins. Should anything like that happen again, I fear a far greater loss than just our strained peace.” 

Caspian swallowed at the dread in his voice. The King spoke as though it was a sure thing, as though history was destined to repeat itself.

“I fear a war would break out not only within Rayndra, nor just between her and Adrelawin, but between the four Kingdoms of Sevadda.” King Alton turned to him, looking him intently in the eye, as though sharing a dark secret of some kind. 

“Unless things are set straight, the betrayal will happen again. Over and over it will, until there is nothing left but utter ruin.” He paused, glancing down at the table again. “Caspian, if you should ever get the chance to make things right again, do it.”

Caspian found himself nodding, before he even thought of what the King meant. How could he ever get that chance? And how would such an opportunity present itself?

But then, the King was moving on, leaving the topic entirely. “I have made plans to send you and your friends to check on the eastern villages. I want to make sure they are doing well, especially in light of the attack. When you return, you will take on your new duties as head of my personal security detail.”

Caspian nodded. “Yes sir.”

“During your absence, I will make the announcement to the castle grounds. I would like you to explain the situation to your friends. It will give the four of you space to think before you are expected to carry out your new duties.”

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