Chapter 24: Strangers

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The men scattered about the deck, the captives being rounded up. But Caspian noticed very little of this, his attention completely frozen on the young woman before him.

Her brown hair was tied up, a sword and dagger around her waist. She sat, tied to the mast. Beside her was the unfortunate soul who’d been flogged. The man was held up only by his bonds, head hanging forward.

Caspian slowly approached, crouching in front of her. He searched her eyes, but found it hard to tell if there was any recognition in them beyond the fact she’d seen him days before. Her expression was well controlled.

Slowly, he cut her bonds and watched as she drew her hands from behind her. To be safe, he removed the sword and dagger from their sheaths and placed them in his belt for safekeeping. She didn’t protest, just continued to stare. “Alica.” He greeted quietly, forcing a hint of smile.

Her eyes widened, but before any more could be said he was being approached by the Captain of the ship he’d come on.

“It appears ye be tellin the truth about the skill of ye and ye’s crew.” The man seemed happy enough, Caspian observed as he stood and turned to him. But nonetheless he realised that now was the most dangerous part of his plan, for now their lives were being trusted more or less to the word of a pirate.

Caspian nodded. “And it seems you will have plenty of bounty in return.”

“Aye.” The man glanced around, taking in the ship. He paused on the man tied to the post. A dark look fell over him and he grabbed the man’s hair, yanking his head up to meet his gaze. “What be yer crime?” He demanded.

Suddenly Alica rose to her feet beside him, looking ready to slit the man’s throat. “He committed no crime. It was my doing.” She interjected defiantly.

In an instant the Captain’s eye’s narrowed and his fist was balled as he took a step towards her. But Caspian pushed her back with an arm and stepped between them. “Hold your tongue!” He hissed at her over his shoulder before fixing his gaze back on the Captain. “Let me deal with her.”

The man pointed at his chest. “Ye better! There be no second chances on my ship.” He growled, turning and walking away. “Lock that one up below.” He ordered one of the men.

Caspian stood back with an arm firmly around his sister as two men cut the flogged pirate free and hauled him away. Then he turned to her.

The expression in her eyes had changed considerably, as the gravity of the situation sank in. But still there was a fiery spirit within. “What did you mean by it being your doing?”

She crossed her arms and stepped back. “Give me one good reason to tell you.” She demanded, raising an eyebrow.

Caspian stared a moment. Since when had she seen him as an enemy? He found it hard to believe, but suddenly it became painfully obvious that they were strangers.

He glanced around, seeing there were too many people around, too many people who had to be shown nothing short of strength. He met her gaze again, which had not changed. “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

Her gaze narrowed a little further, but she glanced around and seemed to understand. “Follow me.”

As they headed to the head of the ship, Isidro caught his eye, seemingly unsure if he was needed. Caspian waved him off and followed Alica to the captain’s quarters, which were fortunately empty. He closed the door.

She grabbed an apple from the bowl on the desk and found a seat, placing her boots on the desk as she shined the fruit and bit into it. Her mannerisms appeared relaxed, but he knew it was an act. There was simply no way it wasn’t.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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