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     Adrien's POV

     "Hey Nino, wait up!" I called.

     "What up dude?" he asked, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

     I took a deep breath before saying, "I won't be able to make it to your party next weekend. My dad is going to Hong Kong on a business trip and he insists I have to go along."

     "Aw man. You can't talk him out of it?"

     "No. I was up late last night trying to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't budge. I'm sorry."

     "Oh well. I'll save some cake for you. Marinette's parents are making one in the shape of a turtle. Cool right?"

     "A turtle?" I asked. "Since when did you like turtles?"

     He flushed and took a moment before responding. "I guess you just don't know all there is to know about me. I'll catch you later dude." He ran off to greet Alya, who had just walked into the school building.

     I turned and started to walk up the stairs to homeroom, where Miss Bustier would check attendance, when Marinette appeared from the girl's bathroom. "You can go first," I said, stepping back and letting her climb the steps in front of me.

     "Oh-um-thank you Adrien. But no-please-um-you go first. I insist." She bowed a little and let me pass. Marinette is so sweet. She is a little clumsy but hey, aren't we all?

     Opening the door to Homeroom, I spotted Chloe in her usual place on the benches, talking to someone on her phone. "Good morning," I whispered as I passed her on the way to my own seat. 

     "Good? What's good about it? Can't you see I have a chipped nail? And my dress for Nino's party won't be ready in time due to the incompetency of this—yes I'm talking about you!" She said, turning back to the person on her phone.

     I laughed a little. Chloe was being her usual self. But she really is sweet under that rough, rough exterior. The thought of leaving Paris brought me back to my senses though. I hadn't been able to talk my father out of this trip at all, and I had used every angle. Falling behind in my grades, losing my spot as the best in my fencing class, everything! Although to tell you the truth, Kagami is way better than me.

     "Students, quiet please! Now please raise your hand when I call your name," Miss Bustier said. "Adrien. Juleka. Ivan. Nino. Max." I tuned out the rest of the names, panic swelling up inside me. If I can't be here over the weekend, what is going to happen to the city? Hawkmoth could release another akuma at any moment!

     "I have an announcement," Miss Bustier said, drawing me back to the present. I would worry about the unknowns later. "There is a convention for students aspiring in the arts in Hong Kong. It is taking place next weekend. There are only spots for three students from Francois Dupont High School. I know it is a long way from Paris, but I really think this could be the start of something wonderful for the students chosen. I have been watching you and I have selected Alex Kubdel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She set down the notepad she was reading from and looked at the class. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to select more students for this opportunity. Maybe there will be another time."

     "Miss Bustier!" Marinette called, waving her hand madly in the air.

     "Yes Marinette?"

     "Why was I selected? I mean, what about Adrien or Luka for their music? They're much more talented than me and I'm busy that weekend. So, I couldn't possibly—"

     "Nonsense Marinette. You have wonderful talent." Turning from Marinette and towards the rest of the class, she said, "I've already talked to each of your parents and they're all very happy for you."

     The bell rang and everyone stood up to leave. Marinette pushed her way through the crowd and ran out. I hope she's all right. I better go check on her. I took the path Marinette had cleared and ran after her, keeping quiet so that I wasn't intruding on her space. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't hurt or something; she had run out of the room pretty fast.

     Marinette ran down the stairs, straight to the girl's bathroom. I followed her but stopped outside the door, putting my ear to it. "What am I going to do Tikki?" a voice asked. Wait, it was Marinette! Who was she talking to? I couldn't hear a reply. Maybe she was talking to someone on her phone? Footsteps came towards the door and I jumped back, trying to look casual as I leaned against the wall. I don't think my act was very convincing. She opened the door and jumped, startled.

     "Hi Marinette." I waved awkwardly.

     "Oh-Adrien, I-uh-didn't see you there."

     "I saw you run out of the classroom and I just wanted to make sure you were all right."

     "That's so sweet of you. I mean not super sweet, just average sweet," she hurried off, mumbling to herself. Okay then. I walked off towards my next class.

     The rest of the day passed by in the usual blur. As always, my bodyguard was at the curb, waiting in our car. I took the ride home to try and come up with something else to try to convince my father to leave me but, just as before, nothing presented itself.

     "Oh good, you're home," Gabriel Agreste, said, his presence as intimidating as always. "I was worried about you."

     "You were?" I asked. I didn't know he was ever concerned with my whereabouts.

     "I wanted to tell you that I've been thinking a lot about what you said, and I really think this trip is the best thing for you. I was saving it as a surprise, but I was able to secure a spot for you in a special arts program in Shanghai. They have heard about your musical abilities and want you to join for the convention next weekend. Now I will return to my office and prepare for our trip."

     I stood there in the foyer, my mouth open. What were the chances?

     Marinette's POV

     "I don't know that I want to go to Hong Kong," I said quietly, picking at the croissant on my plate. These flaky pastries were usually my favorite, but I couldn't eat with the sickening feeling that had come over me since I had found out about my being chosen in a special arts program out of the country. What would happen if Ladybug weren't here to save the city if Hawkmoth decided to akumatize someone? Cat Noir is strong yes, and I'm grateful for his help, but only Ladybug can reverse the akumatizing effect. It's not a chance I can take.

     "But why? This is an amazing opportunity! You might get discovered by a big fashion designer! And you'll be able to connect with your mom's roots at the same time," my dad said. He hadn't stopped talking about it since I had walked in the door that afternoon after school.

     "But..." I started, thinking quickly of an excuse. "I'll miss you guys. I don't want to travel across the world by myself."

     "We'll be going with you," Mom declared. I looked up in surprise. "Oh, I thought you knew. Because it was such a big trip, and so far away, Miss Bustier wanted the parents to accompany the students."

     "What about the cake you were going to make for Nino's party. You'll have to be here to make that."

     "We'll make that the day before and send it over to Nino's house. They can keep it in their refrigerator until the party. Now finish eating and then you can do your homework."

     I begrudgingly ate my croissant and trudged up the stairs to my room. After flipping the trapdoor shut, I flopped onto my pink chaise, staring at the ceiling. Tikki flew out of my bag and landed on my stomach. "Oh Marinette, what are we going to do?" she asked.

     "I don't know Tikki," I responded, out of ideas for once in my life.

     "Could you get sick?" Tikki asked in an excited tone.

     "No. I've tried it in the past and Mom sends for a doctor immediately. And of course, I'd be declared 'cured' in a matter of minutes. I guess I'm just going to have to go." They gave a simultaneous sigh of defeat.

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