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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"Emerald pools flicker as that of a dying ember, begging to be sparked to life. Fixed, glass, heart trembles and shatters to pieces . . . Maybe it's better this way . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

Izuku's body begged and pleaded with him to run. To find some way out. 

However, his body had shut down, limbs paralyzed, and weighing heavily as though a myriad of brick and stones were attached to them. He opened his mouth to scream, sob, plead, he wasn't sure at this point. But his vocal cords tangled, swirling around one another until nothing but ragged, shallow breathing emitted from him. A ghost of scream barely residing on the tip of his tongue as the took in the sight before him.

Nothing made sense anymore, he was not sure of anything at the moment. Whether this was real or a production of his anxiety-filled imagination. The fragile and healing organ known as his heart stuttered and skipped a beat, for it too is frozen in place with overwhelming trepidation. A once regular flow of blood surging through his veins had run ice-cold — body trembling and muscles coiling. 

This couldn't be real. No, he had a few more years before the man was supposed to be released from prison . . . He thought he had time. Time to recollect himself, pick up the broken pieces. Time to be happy, being flooded with a plethora of positive and heart-pumping emotions. Time to get away.

That was the biggest mistake he had ever made.

Izuku did not run away quick enough, the time he was promised had given him a sense of lenience — he grew careless. All of his and Shoto's time together, their talks, the elder helping him through panic attacks, all of it . . . went swirling down the drain. Only paltry remnants remained, now being ushered into the iron-fenced cage of his mind.

He no longer trusted the boy that operated his body, he no longer trusted himself. Because at that moment he was the prey, and the predator had come back for more, teeth glistening with distant blood from their last encounter. And he had barely made it out with his life the last time. Izuku hadn't realized tears had sprung from his eyes until the blue-eyed man had begun his path towards him.


A broad hand lifted up and cupped his cheek, the rough skin scathing across the delicacy of Izuku's skin. Thumbs padding away at the glistening streaks the tears left behind.


Izuku's airways had soon ceased to exist at that point, his gasping had turned to desperate panting. He could hear words coming from the man's mouth, however, the ringing in his ears proved to be much stronger than his words. And Izuku could not help but think . . . Maybe his end would be a quick one. Is he not entitled to that, at least? A brisk ending.

. . . Shoto.

The duel-haired man appeared in his mind, and for a second, one glorious second he felt safe. He imagined Shoto's strong hold enveloping around him, the elder's velvety smooth voice cooing in his ear. Izuku wanted — no, he needed Shoto.

"I'm talking to you!" the man growled, his fingers gripping Izuku's chin harshly. "You know it took me a while to track you down, Zuku . . . I'm almost upset you ran away from me. Ah well, I forgive you anyway,"

"You . . . forgive . . . me?" Izuku scoffed, only to have the grip on his chin tighten.

And somehow, someway, by some fucking miracle his phone rang. Izuku recognized the ring-tone instantly, it was the one he put specifically for when Shoto called. Blue eyes teared away from Izuku's watery emerald ones, flickering over towards the males' back pocket where his phone rested.

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