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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"He is fire. And I am the bovine moth drawn to his everlasting flame, smoldering with intensity, setting my heart to ashes . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

"Mido, wake up,"

Izuku shifted in the comforts of his blanket, mumbling a string of incoherent words as he pulled the sheets over his face.   


The cool sensation of Shoto's finger curling around Izuku's arms is what finally woke the younger male. Large pools of emerald flickering open, swirling with the unfretted luminous glow of the morning light evading the thin drapes of their dorm room. A small pout contorting the plump tissue of the boys' lips, eyebrows pulling down in mock-anger. Shoto nearly chuckled at the sight, finding it akin to that of an angered toddler who hadn't gotten his way. 

"I was sleeping Todo . . ." he grumbled tiredly, lifting his hand to rub the sleep from his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Nearly ten in the morning," came the humor-stocked reply. "I wanted to talk to you though."

Izuku liberated a sigh, running a hand through his — now overgrown — locks of green curls while sitting up. "Couldn't it have waited until at least lunchtime?" he chuckled breathily, giving a slight camber of his head.

"Yes. Albeit I was growing rather impatient, and I have to make tracks if I want to be on time for class," Shoto said with a huff.

"'Yes. Albeit I was growing rather impatient,'" Izuku mocked with a haughty voice, "And what the hell does 'make tracks' mean?"

The elder narrowed his eyes in vexation, playfully shoving the freckled male on the arm. "You know, don't you think it's a bit too early to be mocking my speech patterns?" he questioned, a light-lipped smile gracing his mouth.

"Todo, it's never too early to mock you." Izuku shot back with a wink. "Now what did you want to talk about? I wouldn't want to keep you from 'making tracks',"

Shoto precluded his two-toned eyes from rolling, facial features twisting to his usual slack and monotonous look. "I wanted to ask you about your Design and Programming the Web class," he informed.

The inside of Izuku's stomach shifted and churned at the mention of his class, the one that he would be required to attend every night for the next eight weeks. In the long run, he knew it would be quite beneficial towards achieving his degree quicker than the rest of his classmates. However, that did not put a halt to the animosity and trepidation he held for it.

"What about it?"

"I was just curious, but what are the exact requirements to take the course? After I receive my degree in psychology I was thinking of getting into computer sciences," Shoto admitted casually, "An old man like me can never be too informed on what you kids are up to these days." he jested.

This pulled a small smile to form on the rosy mounds of Izuku's lips, nearly knocking the breath from Shoto's lungs. Though if such a thing were to happen, the elder male had an odd feeling he would not mind so much. The simple gesture being provided to him was just that: simple. Yet it was enough to momentarily stun him into silence.

"Look who's finally coming to his senses," Izuku giggled, "I wondered how long it would take you to finally admit you're old."

Leaning back with a soft shrug, the younger continued. "But as for the course I'm taking, it's open to all if I'm not mistaken. You just have to be a student here, obviously, and live in the dorms . . ." his unfiltered pleonasm continued on for quite some time by then, getting lost in his own words.

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