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"Come on she's been staring at us for 10 minutes now" I say to Jaehyun who was looking back at Naeun.

We're eating lunch together at school, and Naeun has been giving us weird looks since she arrived at the canteen,

"So, what can I do about it?" I roll my eyes at him, isn't it obvious?

"You wanted to make me jealous with her last time so she thought she still had a chance with you. Now confront her and tell her the truth!"

Tell him the truth, that's what's been on my mind for a few days already,

"You're right baby, I caused trouble once again, I'll talk to her later, I don't want another drama between you two" I continue to eat my food, ignoring Naeun,

"Hey guys! Where's Dita?" I look up to see Yuta coming our way, sitting down with us,

"What's up fucker? Looking for your girlfriend?" Jaehyun says jokingly.

I love their relationship, they are so close to each other but they fight a lot, and still, it doesn't change anything between them,

"She's home today, she was feeling quite sick, you should meet her during the week" I know she's not Yuta's girlfriend but I'm sure she'll be happy if he surprises her,

"I'll do that, what should I bring?" He pulls his phone out of his pocket to type what to buy for her,

"Ice cream, she loves cookies and cream flavor" after typing, he puts his phone back in his pocket,

"Thanks, I'll see her tomorrow, by the way Jaehyun, why's your ex staring at us like that?" Jaehyun turns around and sighs,

"I'll talk to her" he stands up and approaches her table, far enough so I can't hear anything,

"So what's going on between you two?" Yuta asks me as we're alone,

"I guess we're close" I don't have anything else to say about us, I can't describe our relationship,

"Stop saying bullshit, I know you like him, I can see it, don't tell me you still have this plan in your head? " I sigh, pushing my plate away from me. Why's everyone bothering me with Jaehyun?

"I still think about it, but now I'm not sure, I'm so lost I don't know what to do" I drop my head low in my hands,

"Your plan was good in the beginning, but it's been almost three months now that you see each other, you've gone too far into the relationship to break his heart like that" Yuta tries to reason me,

"I know I should have done it sooner, but it's not too late, I just want more time to think about this situation..." I look up to see Jaehyun still talking to Naeun, why is he smiling?

"You know why you didn't do it sooner? Because deep down you know you don't want to hurt him" why is it so true?

"I know" I almost whisper,

"I know Jaehyun enough to see that he's truly in love with you, please, don't hurt him, unless you really don't want to be with him, please" I sigh.

"Fuck!" I slam my head on the table, why did I do that?

I grab my bag and exit the cafeteria in a hurry.

I run to the nearest bathroom and make sure there's no one inside, I need to call Dita.

Jaehyun's P.O.V

I hear a loud slam and when I look up I see Jiyeon running to somewhere and I instinctively follow her until I see the ladies bathroom.

I hesitate for a moment but I'm too worried for her so I enter the restroom,

"Dita! Are you free sometimes? I need to talk to you" her voice is shaky and I feel guilty to listen to her conversation, so I make myself quiet,

"It's about Jaehyun..." I freeze when I hear my name, "I don't know what to do, help me Dita I'm so lost right now" I can feel her tearing up.

What's happening?

"If you feel better come to my place tonight" I hear her hang up and I quickly exit the bathroom.

I have a bad feeling about this, I feel my stomach dropping to my feet, what is she hiding me?

I need to know but she won't tell me the truth if I ask.

I want to do something bad,

I should spy on her.


"Do it" Taeyong tells me as I explain the situation. He's the first one I went to see to talk about that,

"But it's so wrong!" I plop down on his couch and he stays up next to me,

"You have the code of her apartment right? Then do it," this is such a bad idea, but at the same, curiosity is killing me! Why was she crying talking about me?

"Wait for her friend to go in and follow her inside" he looks at me with his most serious eyes, I'm almost scared.


I stay at Taeyong's place all afternoon, my stomach is flipping upside down, my leg is shaking and I see the boys, Mark, Doyoung and Taeyong playing video games peacefully besides me,

"Come on, I'm sure it's no big deal" Mark says to me, he doesn't know the amount of stress I have inside of me right now,

"Atleast now you see how it feels like to worry for a girl, it changes you" Doyoung jokes around but I can't laugh at all right now.

I have a really, really bad feeling.


Jaehyun, curiosity killed the cat.

Should he spy on her?

Also guys check out my other book FANTASY I've wrote a new smut!

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