Chapter 1

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Five and Miko were about to head out to get glitches when they were stopped by their boss.

"Oh kids there is a new person joining us. You might bump into her so the last time I saw her she was wearing a (Fc) hoodie. Oh and her name is (Yn)." Phil explained.

"Cool I bet she's awesome!" Miko shouted out.

"Now go catch some glitches" Phil said turning back to his desk to drink his afternoon coffee. After a while of catching the glitches in mostly homes, and parks, Miko and Five went to an arcade after checking in for XP. They got there and spotted each of their favorite arcade games.

After a while they met up, but both still energetic, especially Miko. "Oh look a girl with a (Fc) hoodie~" Miko pointed out mockingly because most of the day Five kept pointing out people with the same hoodies.

"I'm just saying it might be her," Five said crossing his arms.

"Hahaha, yeah right, then where's the tech bracelet?" Miko pointed out punching his shoulder.

"It might be under the sweater sleeve," he argued. Miko rolled her eyes to his response.

"Come on we gotta go," Miko said pointing at the time.

"Yeah, I guess," Five agreed. When they were about to exit the building, PAC-man ghosts flew straight out of the machine and pellets were spread out all around the building.
You quickly threw off your hoodie and got into your suit.

"Ohhhh, wait, you were right for once," Miko snorted a bit to Five, staring at you in awe. You and a ghost were just staring at each other until you finally got out a katana. You proceeded to touch the pellet with it and when the ghost turned blue you sliced it in half and collected it. You then turned around to a ghost coming towards you in its own color. You ran and touched a pellet but fell and landed on your back, your glowing blade touch the ghost as it disappeared and you collected it. You then collected another but then heard yelling. Miko and Five being corned by a huge ghost. All you heard was arguing. You ran towards them and touched a pellet and sliced it. You then collected it and turned to the two still arguing. You cleared your throat to signal you were right there. They turned to you and the boy rubbed his neck as the girl held out a hand and said "THAT WAS AMAZING! IM MIKO BY THE WA- OH YOU GOTTA TEACH ME THAT!" she yelled in excitement.

"Uh, (Yn)," you responded shaking her hand and then quickly pulled it back.

"Oh and this is Five" Miko introduced the boy while he gave a sheepish wave. "Would you be interested in joining our Dream team!?!" She questioned.

"Uh, dream team?" You asked.

"Yeah it's made up of me and big brained over here" she responded messing with Five's hair.

"Uhhh I don't really do teams" you responded backing away a little.

"Why not!?! Come on it'll be fun!" Miko said nudging Five to join in on begging. As you looked at them a wave of the past hit you and before you knew it, you ran out the door with your (Fc) hoodie in your hands.

"Uh, what's with her" Five asked as confused as Miko who stood there trying to think what she did to make you run away.

ahhhh I made it. Don't worry there with be a flashback back story. But I gotta be honest it might not be that good.... you be the judge In the next chapter.


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