"I'm pregnant," she said and he gasped.

He told her to be quiet about the pregnancy for now. It wasn't the time to tell her husband because of what had happened, she agreed.  She was furious.

"Toby Maroni was found dead outside his nightclub in New York today. He suffered a single gunshot wound to his head. Police are investigating the circumstances of his death since he is the son of Tony Maroni. Lead detective Alan Cain had this to say.

The news switches to the scene outside Toby's nightclub in Manhattan. The detective Mr. Cain was talking to the reporter mentioned the reputation of the Maroni's, and how impactful this murder was.

"I'm working on finding whoever is responsible for this. I will not let what happened in the 1980s happen again in New York again." He looked straight into the camera that Valentina felt he was looking right at her.

She cringed, switching the channel to the food network to at least take her mind off it for a little while.  There were footsteps approaching in the hallway and she didn't have to turn her head to know it belonged to Michael.

He stood still for a while before clearing his throat causing her to turn to face him. She tried to hide the anger she was feeling. Nate told her not to mention she knew it was him. She wanted to yell to throw the remote she was holding at him.

"You have been ignoring my call all day, Valentina!" She turned back to look at the tv show, but she heard him walking up to her. He grabbed the remote from her hands and turned off the television.

"And now you are ignoring me,"  her eyes met his. His brows were arched and he was angry just like her. The nerve to him! She got up from the sofa walking away from Michael.

He saw red, he grabbed her hand pulling her around to face him.

"Let go of me, Michael!" She yelled, hitting at his hands.

"Oh, finally you speak,"

"Why is there fucking security outside our house, why did you make me stay at home all day?"

"For your protection," he replied simply as if it was nothing. Valentina wasn't a fool; she knew being married to a don in the mafia wasn't the safest way to live, but now that Michael wanted to take his rightful place at the top. Everything would change her life would constantly be others' targets who were trying to rival his power and the baby's life. Her poor baby life would be in constant danger. She felt a shiver shot through her that she visibly jerked. Michael's eyes were looking at her intently.

"Why would I need protection, Michael?" She asked, his hand was holding her own so tightly.

"I heard you were watching the news, you heard about Toby's murder." She nodded.

"It was me, I killed him." He watched her face waiting for her reaction. She could kill him, he thought then if she looked at him with disgust. Instead, her eyes welled up, and tears rolled down her beautiful face, and he felt this killed him more.

"He was at our wedding Michael, he was just a kid." He pulled her to him, hugging her tightly resting her head on his shoulder. She pulled back her head looking at his face.

"Being on top is not worth it, we have all the money we can have, everything, and yet you are not content."

"Money is useless without power, money is useless without respect." He said to her, taking his thumb to wipe away the tears that were rolling down her cheek.

"What would be my life now, Michael?" She sobbed

"When this all starts, you know Tony Maroni. You know his sons without a doubt they know it's you. You killed his last born."

"I'm going to kill all of them," Michael cut her off. She pulled away completely from him and shoved him by the shoulders.

"I need you to stand by me Valentina, you may not like what I have done but I need you." He tried getting a hold of her again but she started walking to their bedroom. Michael followed her.

She threw herself on the bed, burying her head in the white sheets. Michael sat at the edge of the bed looking at her as her shoulder quivered.

"Val, please stop crying," he touched the middle of her back, feeling her soft curve.

"Go away, please, I want to be left alone," she said, pulling her head away from the sheets to look at him. Her eyes were red as slightly swollen, her lips quivering like a little girl. It was always his soft spot, that little quiver and those big beautiful eyes.

"You were alone the whole day. You don't mean that" he replied.

"I do, Michael! Leave me alone!" She used her foot kicking him on his lower back; he shifted slightly as he grabbed a hold of her ankle, and with one swift pull, he pulled her to him.

She gasped as he caught her lifting her into his lap. His hand found its way to her chin, he held her face towards him. Before she knew it his lips were on hers, and she tried pulling away.

"I don't want this life! I don't want to live in fear," she whispered against his lips. He rested his head on her forehead pushing back some of her curls.

"You have nothing to fear with me by your side. Valentina, I'll go to the end of the earth to keep you safe. Just stand by my side through it all," he told her before he kissed her on her forehead.

Hi, lovelies I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far. Please, like and comment to let me know if you guys are enjoying it.

Ranni. 🦋

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