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Xisuma leaned against the wall, his lips pressed in a fine line as he watched Doc and TFC open the cell doors, releasing Grian, Stress, and attempting to release Scar, who wouldn't move. The admin held tight to the golden circlet in his hands, unable to get rid of it. He was attached to say the least, it took too much strength to break free of their magic. Ancel was always there to keep Xisuma in check, but now that the watchers believed that the admin was willing to do anything for them, they thought that he was perfect. But Xisuma was anything but perfect, and the watcher's arrogance was the beginning of their downfall.

"Scar, we need to hurry.." Doc said in a hushed voice, extending his hand Scar, who's eyes were filled with tears. The Vex held Cub in his arms, his body completely covered in glowing blue veins. He was barely breathing, his blood splattered in the small cell, and all over Scar. The terraformer shook his head, hugging his close friend close, with Doc's frown only deepening. The creeper hybrid let out a bothered sigh, folding his arms and looking to the admin, who was watching the group with narrowed eyes. "We can't stay here for too long. Who knows if Xisuma is trustworthy..."

"B-but Cub--"

"He'll be fine." Xisuma said, interrupting Scar and standing upright, walking towards the anxious hermits, holding tight to the golden circlet in his hands, which made Grian's heart skip a couple beats. Xisuma removed his glove, revealing similar blue veins on his hand, the glowing blue color much darker than Cub's. The admin slipped his glove back on, moving towards the exit and peeking his head outside, no sight of the watchers or their followers. He let out a sigh of relief, still debating whose side he was on.

"Ancel's venom isn't poisonous, but it is dangerous." Xisuma said in a quiet voice, closing the sliding door to hide the hermits away. He let out an exhausted sigh, the admin leaning his back against the door, his glowing blue freckles seeming to sparkle without his helmet. The admin kept his eyes glued to the floor, while still looking down at the golden circlet in the palm of his hands. "It's all mental. Sure, she weakens you, but the venom messes with you. It changes you, in a way I can't explain. I barely remember who I was before Ancel and the watchers. One tiny bite can do that to you."

"So w-what will happen to him..?" Scar asked quietly, looking at his fellow Vex's pale expression. Xisuma simply shrugged, ignoring the hermits as he walked to his helmet that sat on the floor. He lifted the helmet with one hand, holding his golden circlet with the other, studying both of the headwear. The admin slipped his golden circlet on before placing his helmet back on, the purple gem clearly visible from underneath his helmet. Xisuma let out a satisfied breath, the feeling of immeasurable power flowing through his body. The admin felt something tugging at him, telling him to get the watchers, telling him to lock the hermits away again.


"I can handle the power, Grian." Xisuma said, narrowing his eyes at the former watcher, who bit his lip to prevent himself from saying anything. The admin moved swiftly to the large sliding door, narrowly opening it before looking back at his fellow hermits. Xisuma let out a tired breath, looking out at Area 77 as he spoke, the admin's voice seemingly emotionless. "Get out of here, get the other hermits, and get to the Sahara courtyard. I'll get there as soon as possible, but I need to make the watchers still believe I work for them."

"X, if they notice you acting out of line, then Ancel--"

"She's in control of Mumbo, and if I'm guessing correctly, the watchers will be bringing him here shortly to kill him right in front of you, Grian. Or at least, that's what I've heard. They won't hurt him until you see it, meaning you need to leave, now." Xisuma said while bending down, lifting up the ground, a hidden trapdoor right below the hermit's feet. The admin nodded at the others, lifting his sword made entirely from black magic, flinching as a cold rush ran through Xisuma's body. "The watchers are connected to stars, meaning they can't be killed by any of us, nor can they die from natural causes."

"So how do we beat them?" Tin asked whilst cracking his knuckles, tha admin narrowing his eyes as the elder hermit did so. Xisuma wanted to listen to the watchers, it hurt him to disobey them, but Xisuma didn't have much of a choice. It was the watchers or the people he cared about.

"You're going to go and get the others. I'll be trying to help Tango and Iskall. And Jellie.." Xisuma added with an eye roll as he noticed Scar's tearful eyes. "Collect the rest of the hermits. Go to the Sahara Courtyard. I have a plan, but I need you all to trust me. Take this tunnel to hermitville. It was originally made to transport the hermits to this containment area, but it will be the fastest, and safest, way to get to the nether portal. Now you need to get going, before they get back."

The hermits didn't fully trust the admin, but they didn't seem to have a choice. Grian's pointed ears twitched a bit as he made eye contact with Xisuma, who smiled at the watcher, his eyes filled with complete and utter hatred. The small hermit quickly looked away, climbing down the ladder and joining the other hermits in the cramped tunnel. Scar was holding Cub, or at least, he was trying too. He could barely walk, clearly struggling to hold his friend. Doc rolled his eyes and took Cub from the terraformer, much to Scar's relief.

"Do you think we can trust him..?" Stress asked quietly, in case the admin could still hear them, even when he had shut the trap door once the last hermits had entered the tunnel. Most of the small group bit their lips, not much to say. Xisuma wasn't seemingly himself anymore, a part of him taken away by the watchers. It hurt Stress to see him like this, but there wasn't anything they could do. All they could do was run, and not look back.


"Xisuma." Ezno said coldly, the admin standing upright, small beads of sweat hidden behind his helmet. The admin whipped around, quickly getting down on one knee and bowing before the two watchers, who were not focused on the admin, but on the empty cells that used to hold the other hermits. Celeste narrowed her eyes at Xisuma, snapping her fingers with a small grin spreading to the ends of her face. Iskall and Tango moved from behind the otherworldly creatures, the two brainwashed hermits grabbing Xisuma's arms, forcing the admin to hold still.

"Now Xisuma, I'm giving you one chance." Celeste said with a cold voice, stroking Jellie, who sat content in her arms. "Where. Is. Grian?"

The admin lowered his head, slightly chuckling underneath his breath. His small chuckles began to evolve, and before long, it had grown into roaring laughter, Xisuma pulling away from Tango and Iskall, taking off his helmet with a wide grin on his face, the admin's eyes cold and heartless as he smiled at the two watchers, taking a knee before the magic users.

"Do you think I would betray you? I let them out. They will do our work for us. Those few hermits will gather up the remaining hermits and bring them to the shop known as 'Sahara.' There you can set an example. Show them what happens when they step out of line." Xisuma said, gesturing to Mumbo, who's empty blue eyes matched the snake's which was coiled around his neck. "They need to trust me. Let me take Iskall and Tango. Then we will show them, my watchers. We'll show them what happens when they disobey your control."

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