💔Jeon Jungkook 💀

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"H- Hyun...g......."

Bad Ending:

Jungkook POV:

I was frozen after seeing the state M/n was in. He was hugging his knees, and looked up at me with tears running down his cheeks. He was so pale, his eyes had no color in them like they used to.

I felt my heart ache at the sight, I wanted to comfort him. I can't stand to see him like this. I walked up to him, and checked for any injuries. I sighed in relief when I saw no bruises or injuries. But I couldn't help to wince internally when I saw cuts on his arms.

I lightly touched his faded cuts, but some were new. I felt something wet on my fingers, to my horror was fresh blood. I was shaken up, it made chills run down my spine.

I yelled out for the others, hoping that they heard me and were on their way quickly. Jin was the first to arrive, he quickly understood everything and picked M/n up.

RM followed after him, and opened the doors for Jin. All the way to the car, everyone got inside the car. J-Hope and V were holding M/n, comforting him. Suga was quiet while looking outside the window.

Meanwhile, Jimin was staring at M/n with worry eyes. Jin started up the car, and put his seatbelt on along with RM. Then, quickly made their way to the hospital. Everyone was in their own thoughts, all of them were having a hard time to believe any of this. Jungkook had a million thoughts going through his head.

'I can't believe M/n-ah was going through all of this. He always hid it behind his smile and cheerfulness. I'm a terrible member, a terrible hyung. I'll make it up to him, I'll protect him.'

Timeskip brought to by Dynamite:

It's been a couple of hours since he passed out, everyone was worried. The doctor said he just suffered from blood loss from his cuts. Some of them were were deep, causing it to bleed more.

They were taking care of him, making sure he was doing okay. I was sitting still in the waiting room, while V-hyung was hugging me close. It felt like ages, I couldn't stop my head throbbing, I felt unsettled.

Soon, the doctor came out, and everyone stood up, waiting for the results. The doctor told us that M/n-ah is awake now. He let us see him if we be gentle and calm with him.

We agreed and followed after him, then, I felt everyone's eyes lit up at the sight of M/n fully awake. Soon, all of us were rushing to him, and had tears in our eyes, even Yoongi-hyung.

I grabbed his hand, and gave it a little squeeze. I felt his hand return the gesture, and I was so happy. I didn't want to let go of his hand, I want to hold it forever.

It just pains me to see him like this, making me feel guilty about not being there for him. I want to make it up to him, and maybe tell him how I feel. Right now, I comfort him, and listen to his troubles.

A couple of weeks later:

I was making my way to the hospital with a bouquet of flowers that I bought and a gift basket that Jin-hyung made for M/n.

After I signed in at the desk, I was walking to M/n's room with a smile on my face, humming a nice tune. I knocked on the door, and opened it up slightly. Then I peaked my head inside.

"Good afternoon M/n-ah-" I paused to see no M/n sitting in bed or anywhere in the room. I immediately checked everywhere in the room, I was starting to panic.

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to see one of the other patients that share the same room with M/n. He told me he saw M/n heading up to the roof, he said he looked sad and guilty for some reason.

💜Love Yourself✨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ