🐨Kim Namjoon Pt:2💖

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Good Ending:


I shouldn't tell him yet, he probably doesn't need it at the moment. All he needs is someone to be there for him and comfort him. I hug him reassuringly and let him cry on my shoulder. He gives in and starts letting his tears flow out. He clenches on my shirt and lets everything out. As I listen to him and did my best to comfort him. Nothing but sobbing and sniffling could be heard throughout the whole room. I could feel guilty and sad to see him like this.

Eventually, he slowly calmed down and sniffles a little bit. I couldn't do anything instead of reassuring him, I could only him sniffle. After a couple of minutes, it was suddenly quiet. I checked on him to see if he's ok, turns out he tired himself that he fell asleep on me. I picked him up and put him on his bed. I tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead. I was walking away, and I stopped in my tracks. I thought about if it's a good thing to leave him, I debated about it. In conclusion, I laid down next to him and cuddled with him. I heard people cuddle with each other in comfort and helps a lot.

I played with his hair and feel him snuggling closer. I hate to admit it, but I felt my face burning when he gets closer. I should be feeling this especially when he needs my help. I ignored this feeling and soon find myself falling asleep.

Next Day:

I woke up feeling the sunlight shining in my face. I slowly looked to see M/n-ah still sleeping. His face was buried in my chest, he was probably hearing my heartbeat. I didn't let it get to me, so I started to run my fingers through his hair. He had soft and silky hair. It felt comforting and wonderful doing this.

I soon remembered that he needs to eat something. So I texted Jin-hyung if he can bring M/n-ah, his breakfast. I didn't want to leave his side, he probably would get paranoid and do something dangerous. After a couple of minutes later, Jin-hyung brought M/n-ah's breakfast.

After Jin-hyung placed the plate of food on the end table by the bed, he turned to me with a worried expression.

"Is he alright?" He tried to hold in his tears, while having a sad expression on him. I looked at him and looked down at M/n-ah.

"Don't worry. He's alright, he still needs more time." I give him a reassuring smile and hold his hand while rubbing it as a way of comfort. He nodded and stared at M/n-ah. He then softly sighed and walked to the door. He halted his movements and turned around.

"Please make sure he's okay. Everyone's worried. I'm worried. I just want to make sure he'll be alright."

"Don't worry Jin-hyung, he'll be fine. I won't leave his side, I promise." I give him a reassuring smiling and his face light up a little bit. He nods and exits the room while closing the door behind him.

After he left, I checked on M/n-ah to see if he's okay. He's still sleeping, he looks so peaceful. I could hear his soft snores and his breathing. It's actually comforting to hear. I picked up my phone on the table stand to check the time. Turns out to be close to 10 A.M, I'm surprised that he's still sleeping. He probably didn't get much sleep. Thinking all of this, really takes a toll on me. I just wish I was there for him at the beginning so that way he wouldn't be suffering so long.

As I was thinking, I didn't notice until I felt the bed move. I looked at the source and see M/n-ah awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his surroundings. Then, we made eye contact and he looked away. He averted his gaze while his face was turning red. I questioned his strange behavior and debated on asking what's wrong. But I need to know if he's doing fine.

"Are you okay? You're turning red, are you hot? Do you have a fever? Do I need to get you something?" I started panicking and he was shaking his head vigorously.

"No. No, I'm fine." He fidgets, and looks down. I was going to ask him if he's sure, but I decided no. It was an awkward silence, until I slowly sat up. I felt his gaze on me, and I turned to him with a smile on my face.

"Let's go eat breakfast now, shall we." He looked at me, and nodded slowly. I got off the bed, and moved the table, that was in the middle of the room, in front of us. I put our plates directly in front of us. Then, I texted Jin-hyung that he's awake now. He replied with 'Really! Thank God.😭'

I felt a tug on my shirt, I turned to the source. Turns out to be M/n-ah, he was shaking a little. Then, he spoke in a soft and quiet voice.

"Can we eat now?.." I blushed a little and nodded. We thanked for the meal, and ate quietly. No one spoke, we just ate in silence. Then, I heard him cough a bit. I looked at him, feeling concerned and worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just.. My throat is feeling a little dry, that's all." I was going to get us something to drink, but I didn't want to leave him alone. So I texted Jin-hyung, asking if he can bring us drinks. I waited for his reply, then he finally messaged back saying he'll get us drinks. We waited for a couple of minutes, while doing so I was reassuring M/n-ah. Then, we heard a knock on the door, I said it's open. I thought it was only Jin-hyung with the drinks, but I didn't expect to see the other members. All of them were carrying plates of breakfast. Jin-hyung and Jungkook-ah were holding drinks.

I guess M/n-ah wasn't expecting this either. He looked shock as I was. I then directed my attention to the others and questioned them.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We're accompanying you guys."

"I thought you guys already ate breakfast?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"No, we were too worried about M/n-ah, that we didn't want to eat breakfast. After you asked for drinks, we decided we should eat together again. Like a family."

I felt those words tug at my heartstrings. I felt proud of all of them. Then, I looked at M/n-ah and see tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. Then, he tried to wipe them away. V went to him and hugged him as if he was trying to cheer him up. He hold onto V, clinging to him as if his life depended on it. Everyone smiled at the scene and felt a little bit better than before.

"Okay everyone let's dig in."

"Thank you!"

Everyone was digging in, and having conversations with each other. Laughs filled the air and people had smiles on their faces.
I glanced at M/n-ah, and he was deep in his thoughts. I said, "Are you ok?" He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to me.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking, that's all." I looked at him for a couple of seconds, and looked at the others.

"Y'know, everyone really cares about you. They wouldn't be here if they didn't."

"I know."

"Everyone was worried about you, when I told them what you were going through."

"..." He stayed quiet, and looked at his hands.

"I don't care if others don't feel the same. As long as you're ok. I don't want you to get hurt. I care about you. The others do too."

"Everyone hates me. A.R.M.Y., students that go to my school, and my family. I shouldn't be here in this world. Everyone would be happy when I'm gone."

"Don't say that! You're perfect just the way you are. Don't listen to others, their opinions don't matter. They shouldn't control you, only you can. You matter to us.. You matter to me.." His eyes widen and tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. The members looked at him, worried and asking why he's crying.

"B-Because I n-never thought y-you guys c-care about m-me."

"Of course, you're special to us. We would never be the same without you." Just listening to their words, he looked down and finally broke down in tears. We looked at each other and nodded. We soon pulled M/n-ah into a group embrace.

For the first time in a couple of months, M/n-ah smiled. Not a fake one, I real genuine and happy smile. It tug at my heartstrings, signifying that I did the right thing. I'm glad I did..

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