Chapter 1

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It's a beautiful morning for Katara. The sun was shining with a clear blue sky as she walked over to the entrance of her high school. The new school year was starting, and she could not wait to see her friends especially her best friend, Aang. The two of them have known each other since elementary school and were inseparable. During the summer they hung out almost everyday until Aang had to go out of town with his uncle Gyatso to visit family out of the state for a couple of weeks before the new school year. Katara missed him terribly during that time and was giddy with excitement to see him again. As soon as she stepped through the school entrance she heard an angelic voice.

"Hey Katara!", she turned to her left and saw him walking up to her. Her lips curved up for a wide smile.

"Aang!", she ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly. She had almost knocked him over to the ground but Aang was ready. She was always like this whenever they met up, so he was always prepared for an impact. He hugged her back just as tightly.

"Geez, give it a rest you love birds.", said a female voice. Katara looked up to see Toph along with Sokka, Suki, and Zuko. Aang and Katara separated quickly with both their faces blushing.

"Quit teasing us Toph. Katara and I are just friends.", said the air bender.

"Friends don't hug the way that you two do. Katara doesn't even hug me like that.", Sokka responded. He had come to school earlier than his sister to meet up with Suki.

"Sokka, I see you everyday so there is no reason for me to hug you.", Katara replied to her older brother. "Plus, you stink most of the time at home."

The gang laughed. Although Aang denied that they were love birds, Katara wished that they had been. She had been in love with him for as long as she's known him. Before she met him, Katara had no friends and was constantly picked on by the other kids when her brother wasn't around. One day, a group of girls had dragged her to a corner at school where no teachers were around and had been pulling her hair and hitting her. She didn't know what to do other than to take the beating until she was saved by Aang. It had only been his first day at the school since he had moved in from out of state. He had noticed the girls take Katara away and decided to follow them only to see them hurting her. So, he ran up to them as fast as he could and tackled the girls away from the young water bender. As soon as Aang got up, he grabbed Katara's hand and ran to find the nearest teacher to help. He was her hero, her shining knight in honor and she had fell for him since then.

They had realized they had a lot in common with one another. They enjoyed the same type of music and reading a lot. Aang had always managed to keep Katara smiling no matter what and he was the only person she felt truly happiness. Before they met, she had been depressed since her mother had died in a car accident. She had not been able to connect well with anyone until she had met Aang who had a similar tragedy happen in his life. Before moving to California, Aang had lived with his single mother. He didn't know who his father was but didn't seem to care since his mother was enough for him. That is until she had died of a drug overdose. His uncle, Gyatso, had took him in as his he was his own son. They had moved to California to help Aang move on after his mother's death. Aang and Katara both knew what it felt to lose their mothers and became close because of it. They had both understood each other's pain and would be there for the other. Since then the two of them had been pretty close.

"So, what classes do you have?", Aang asked Katara. She brought up her class schedule and compared it to his. Fortunately, they had history, art, algebra, and English class together. Then they compared their schedule with the rest of their friends. They all had English class together for seventh period luckily, so they didn't have to worry too much about being alone with people they didn't know.

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