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It’s two days later when Lisa’s discharged and the same since Ethan was seen. Banele’s the one who fetches her with Randy as their chauffeur. Lisa looks at the door when she hears footsteps approaching. She’s ready to get out of here, fed up with the smell of medicine and missing her own space. She wants to sleep on her own bed and to breathe in the air of her place. Banele comes in with Randy on his tail and that has Lisa raising an eyebrow.
“And then? You have a boyfriend or what?” Lisa asks her brother who shakes his head. He’s the only she’s been herself around, having decided to shut down her emotions because it won’t help in anyway. She doesn’t want to think of Rachel’s betrayal and her son’s absence. She wishes they could have at least erased her memory so she wouldn’t remember. Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, she gets off the hospital bed. “You’re Miley’s third?”
“It’s actually fourth but we can make the twins a thing.” Randy says. She remembers Ethan showing her pictures of his siblings, even the prodigal son who’s apparently the black sheep of the family. “How do you know my brother?” Lisa prompts, snooping into the two’s relation. She wants to know all the good she’s missed.
“I’m a possible suitor. He’s just playing hard to get because of those two bitches. The only reason the other isn’t dead is because of his seed that she’s carrying.” Randy says which makes Banele push him, making the taller stumble since he wasn’t expecting it. “What? It’s true.”
“OH, so you like him?” Lisa continues. Randy looks at Banele, scanning him up and down with a bit lip and nods. “You can put it that way.”
“Lets go Lisa. I don’t have the whole day,” Banele says with annoyance. They’re talking about him like he’s not there. To top it off, Randy smacks his butt in his sister’s presence which has Lisa giggling. “You’re really trying me man,” he mumbles.
“You’re both so cute.”
The rest of the ride is filled with Lisa filling Randy up on her brother and all she feels he needs to know about him. It annoys Banele but he doesn’t do anything about it because at least she’s talking. He knows she’s pretending like nothing ever happened which won’t help her heal but is better than her sulking and overthinking her past experience. If playing matchmaker keeps her mind from thinking about her traumatic experience then so be it.
“ Can’t believe Thuso is pregnant though and with your child. We’d be twinning if she hadn’t turned out to be a snake,” Lisa says then frowns, looking out the window. “I promised Ethan nothing will… will ever come between us but if he can’t find him… I don’t think… I can’t do it.”
She wipes the tear that’s managed to descend upon her cheeks. It’s hard on her and she’s trying not to think because it’s just going to overwhelm her.
“Focus on nurturing the one you’re still carrying. As for the other, I need a little motivation from your brother so I can bring him,” Randy nonchalantly says.
“You… you know where he is?” Lisa hopefully asks. She hopes he does. “ Please tell me you do.”
“Stop stressing Lisa. You have the rest of us to do that for you. Your pregnancy is hanging by a thread. What I can assure you is that he’s alive so focus on keeping his twin alive too.”
She doesn’t reply and instead stares out the window. The mood has quickly turned melancholy and that continues until he’s arrived at their new house. Lisa steps out immediately while Randy goes out to open the door for Banele with a goofy smile.
“I can open my door and stop smiling. You look weird.” Banele says and clicks his tongue. “You’re making me weird, I can’t help it.”
“Yeah, all of a sudden. What are you playing at Randy?” Banele asks with his arms folded while staring at the guy. The man bites his lip, loving how he’s looking like a cheeky or mad wife right now. “Stop staring at me like that and answer the damn question.”
“I’m not playing and if there’s anything you should know about me is that I don’t do hidden motives. My intentions are always clear from the onset. I said I wanna fuck first and maybe I’ll trip and fall in love.” He says then shrugs. “There’s no harm in trying and you could do with blowing off some steam. That blonde bitch is probably the last one you fucked because you do look like the loyal type.”
“I am loyal yes.” Banele says and the other chuckles. “I’ve tried before and I’m willing to try with you if you let me tap it.” Randy says while biting his lip.
“I’ll consider it if you find my nephew,” Banele blurts without putting much thought into it. Once he hears what he said, he knows he can’t retract it. “Promise,” Randy orders and he nods.
“You have my word,” he says with hopes that Randy will do this so his sister can be happy. She’s been through a lot.
“I’ll believe you if you kiss me now. I need the pussy for strength but a kiss will do.” Randy says and the younger scrunches his face at that. “Excuse me?”
Randy licks his lips and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Come on. Just one kiss then by the end of business tomorrow, your sister will be holding her lad. I mean that figuratively because he’s probably in an incubator.”
“Please do it. All I want… need is my son,” Lisa begs which leaves Banele between a rock and a hard place. She’s been watching the interaction absentmindedly. With a deep sigh, he nods. “Fine”
Randy doesn’t waste a moment and pulls the boy to him, his hands on his waist as he closes the gap between them. Banele expected to find it uncomfortable but since the embrace, he’s found the older quite comforting. With another sigh he closes his eyes and gives Randy a perk. “There. You got your kiss,” Banele says with his eyes open while trying to free himself from Randy’s grip.
“You’re tripping,” Randy says then smashes his lips on him. Banele gasps at that, the action allowing Randy’s tongue entry who immediately deepens the unreciprocated kiss. Randy doesn’t give up though, kissing the younger like he’s kissing him back. It’s seductive and the little grabbing of his waist makes Banele curve. He replies, finally kissing Randy back who smiles in the kiss. Upon breaking it, he cups Banele’s face and stares into his eyes. “Thank you.”
“You look like a wreck,” Randy says after getting into Ethan’s office. He hasn’t been out since Lisa chased him out of her hospital room. He’s at least taken a shower but hasn’t changed. His beard has grown crazy, his hair also having filled his head. He hasn’t eaten in almost a week, all because he’s been trying.
“What do you want Randy? No one wants you around here. Lisa’s back so you can now go back to whatever hole you came from and leave us the hell alone,” Ethan says. Randy laughs at that, clapping his hands at the speech.
“Y’all like making me seem like the black sheep when you’re use people and toss them aside. Your wife wants her son and instead of being rude, you should be asking why I’m here. Trust me, I’d rather be staring at beautiful dark eyes instead of you.”
“Why are you here then Randy?” Ethan asks with disinterest. “I want that five million you’re giving to whoever has information that leads to your son’s rescue. I want it in cash”
“Why would I just hand it to you? I don’t trust you.” Ethan says.
“I don’t give a damn about your trust. I know where your son is, that’s why. Where’s the money Ethan? I know you’ve had your bank give it to you.”
The older brother looks at his little brother with squinted eyes. Why does he know so much unless… “You took him? You took him because you wanted me to get desperate so you can cheque   in on it. Maybe you orchestrated this the same way you got Jessica to attempt to kill my father. I wouldn’t put it past you,” Ethan says with a sneer. Randy looks at him and sucks his teeth. Of course he doesn’t give a damn about Lisa or his child, he’s only doing it for her brother and who would pass on five mills?
“Suit yourself then. I killed Rachel and her fucken husband so that’s a clue.”
Ethan stops him before he gets out and sighs. This isn’t the time to spit on the only person who might help. He hasn’t received a lead and being away from his wives hurts. All he want is to have his son back so they can mend the broken pieces torn by the kidnapping. “Fine. I’ll give you five million but we never want to see you. You’re one son of a bitch for expecting payment like we’re not from the same mother.”
Randy scoffs.
“You sound like we’ve ever acted like it. As far as I know, you’re nothing to me and vise versa. Ricky is my only family and maybe Lisa too in the future. The rest of you motherfuckers can go to hell,” Randy seethes and the two throw dead stares at each other. The hate is high in the room, tension higher. If it wasn’t because of their mother and Ethan honoring his dead father’s wishes, he would have long killed Randy.
“I’m giving you twenty-four hours. I’ll give mom your money.” Ethan says and watches to see how he reacts to that.
Randy chuckles. “I’m a grown ass man so even she doesn’t tell me what to do.”
Two days later, Lisa finally gets to see her son. He’s been admitted because of his premature status and the doctors were amazed at his survival. The boy was born at six months and the conditions around that might have been hygienic, but they didn’t mean he’ll live. She’s shaking as she gets into the neonatal intensive care unit. Ethan’s holding her hand and let’s her grasp it as tight as she wants. He’ll finally be able to asleep.
“He’s so tiny Ethan. He doesn’t have any hair and he looks like a little alien. Can’t they get him back on me?” Lisa says and squeezes his hand again. It’s an overwhelming moment for the couple. “Couldn’t they spare him? He had no part in this Ethan! Look at our baby with pipes attached to him.”
“Keep it down baby, I know this is upsetting. We have to be grateful that he’s alive even though he wasn’t in hospital. It’s a miracle,” Ethan says then kisses her hand that’s clinging onto his. He wiped her tears with the other and plants a kiss on her forehead. “It’s truly a blessing.”
“We’re not calling him miracle. We’ll call him Warrior. Liqhawe because he’s that,” Lisa says.
“Liqhawe Williamse, that’s it.” Ethan concurs.
“We have to show our gratitude to Randy. He came through for us,” Lisa says when they’re out of NICU.
“He’s five million rich, that’s more than enough gratitude. I don’t want him in our lives and you should warn your brother as well. He always has a motive.” Ethan sternly says.
“He’s not bad. I think he’s just misunderstood. You guys have never given him a chance. You should see him with Banele, they’re so cute,” Lisa coos.
“Don’t be fooled by that. Randy is a snake and uses people. He had Jessica fooled thinking she’s in love and got him to kill my father. He cannot be trusted,” Ethan says. Lisa frowns, realising how serious her husband is.
“That bad? That was centuries ago. I think he’s changed and exactly what my brother needs.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Ethan says and she slaps his hand.
“Stop being negative!” she scolds.
“Honest but fine. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you your dream wedding,” Ethan says with a frown. “I should have upped the security. I was too excited about marrying you that I forgot we have enemies. I failed you Mrs. me and I’m sorry.”
They’re in the car now but he hasn’t started it because they’re talking. Lisa smiles.
“It’s OK. It was a good idea to get married before the ceremony because I don’t think I want a wedding now. I want us to focus on the kids and getting past the kidnapping. I want to forget,” she says.
“it won’t be that easy babe so don’t put any pressure on yourself. Have your parents called?” she shakes her head as her heart sinks.
“Dad did come see me last week but that’s it. I don’t think my mom will ever come around. It’s fine though, I can’t apologize for loving you.” Lisa says and he senses the sadness in her voice. “I hope she won’t punish her grandkids over me. I want them to know their grandma.”
“It’ll work out baby and I’ll talk to her. In other news, are you ready to meet my other kids? It’s long overdue.”
“I’m a little nervous. What if they don’t like me?” Lisa asks while biting her nails.
“They’re going to love you, don’t worry. Let’s go home wifey.”
They look at each other and smile. Their marriage is only starting and they both fill they can now ride its honeymoon phase. Sure, it won’t be easy but with Liqhawe safe and sound, they’ll try.

__________________The End___________________
I know it's unexpected but this felt like it. It's up to you whether a sequal should follow. It's obviously going to be of Randy & Banele plus Ethan with his two wives. It's been great and I appreciate the support. For now, goodbye :)

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