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“Hey b-”
“don’t hey me. why the hell did I have to find out from papers that you’re getting married? What the hell is wrong with you child?” Banele roars into the phone.
“The papers should have minded their own business. I didn’t want you to find out like that,” Lisa replies.
“But I did. How’re you doing kid?” Banele asks and she sighs.
“I’m fine but mom still isn’t picking my calls. The good thing is you’re going to be an uncle.”
Banele screams at that. it’s things like that which always made Lisa question his sexuality sometimes. “I didn’t tell you so you can make my ears bleed”
He only chuckles. “Sorry little sis but I’m excited. Your man is fast though. I hope that’s not why you’re getting married”
Lisa giggles. “No. We found out after the engagement. I love him and he, me. we see a future together and want that”
“That’s good. Your ex is apparently with your ex bestie,” Banele says.
“How do you know that? I’m sorry bro,” Lisa says.
“Social media. Don’t worry about me, I’m getting over it. I no longer see her like that. I actually feel sorry for her because Bonnie doesn’t love her,” Banele says.
“When are you coming? There’s someone I want you to meet. She’s also stuck on her first love so maybe you can help each other forget and move on,” Lisa says which makes her brother chuckle.
“And who is that?” Banele asks.
“Rachel. She’s my friend, blonde and beautiful”
“Blonde blonde?” he asks and she laughs.
“No dummy, she’s actually smart.”
“Tell her I fuck on the first date just so she’s prepared,” Banele half-jokes. With Thuso being the last woman he was one with, he could do with getting laid. He’s seen a picture of his little sister with a blonde woman, so he knows she’s beautiful.
“I’m pretty sure she won’t mind. It’s probably a cobweb there,” Lisa says, and they laugh. She continues talking with her brother, not mentioning their mother hitting her until she hangs up. She goes to sleep right after, wishing Ethan was next to her. she understands he has a home with two wives but can’t help craving his body next to hers. She wakes up before her alarm rings and goes into the bathroom for a shower. She kept tossing and turning during the night while fighting the urge to call him. She finishes up her hygiene process then dresses up. It’s still winter and she’s someone who never wants to get cold so she always has too many clothes on. She’s wearing a brown wool formal dress, thigh high heel boots and a fur coat on top. She then proceeds to the kitchen to make herself breakfast, not bothering with makeup. Ethan always says she looks better without it anyway, not that it makes her ugly. She only has a fruit salad with yoghurt. She still doesn’t have much appetite, but the doctor told her soon, she won’t get enough of eating. She’s not looking forward to the weight she’s going to gain though. She has downloaded pregnancy apps to keep her fit and she’s due to buy a scale today. There’s also an app for pregnancy exercises, just to ensure she stays healthy so as she delivers healthy babies. Ethan sends her a text that he’s outside so she swiftly grabs her bags and phone then leaves. On the elevator down she realises that it’s time she got herself a car. It’s overdue now. He kisses her briefly then opens the door for her. he’d been leaning by the car, smoking while waiting for her to come out.
“How are you today? I don’t think you should be going back to work now,” Ethan says.
“I’m fine and hate missing work. I don’t want to end up losing my job,” Lisa says.
“You won’t lose your job, I can assure you of that.” Ethan says.
“It’s OK. I’m good to go now,” Lisa assures him and he only nods. “How are you? How did your first wife react to the article? I never got to ask.”
Ethan sighs. He knows if he tells Lisa what Amo decided, she might blame herself but also doesn’t want to lie. Things are better with him and Lexy but he can’t say the same with Amo. He’s given her time to cool off but if there’s anything he knows about her, it’s that once she makes up her mind, it’s made up.
“She wants a divorce,” Ethan says. Lisa stretches her hand to grab his free hand and gives it a squeeze.
“I’m sorry” Lisa says but the man shakes his head.
“Don’t apologise. It’s not your fault. I knew this was a possibility. She was never keen to the prospect of a second wife and it took years for her and Lexy to get along. I don’t want you stressing about it though, you should be focusing on the wedding. We’re going to your home for lobola negotiations this week,” Ethan says.
“What?” Lisa asks in surprise. She feels she should have been informed about this. her mother isn’t speaking to her so how will it work out? Unless they negotiate with her father’s side of the family whom she hasn’t spoken to in ages.
“We sent a letter to your father and we got a quick response. You didn’t think I’m not doing right by you, did you?” Ethan says and she shakes her head.
“I didn’t think you’d do it so soon. My mom isn’t talking to me and I haven’t spoken to my father in ages.” Lisa says.
“I told you not to stress or worry Lisa which is why I think you should hire a planner. Lexy will help you and it’ll give you time to get along,” Ethan says.
“So she doesn’t hate me?” Ethan shakes his head. “How do you know that?”
“Because hating you will be like hating me because I love you and you’re mine as much as I’m yours. She knows that.”
“I just think asking her to help me with the wedding is pushing it. I’ll find a planner and Rachel will help,” Lisa says and the man nods.
“Did you eat?” he asks and she nods. “I’ll order you breakfast and have it delivered. You better finish it Lisa because you’re eating for three now”
He kisses her before she can reply and the kiss leaves her dizzy. The pregnancy has her craving him more or maybe she just keeps falling more and more for him. He kisses her forehead and opens the door for her from inside.
“When are we having sex?” Lisa asks before stepping out of the car. The ache between her thighs isn’t something she can go.
“We can have it anytime Lisa but you have to go now. I love you,” Ethan says and she sighs.
“I love you too”
She’s in a foul mood but it disappears as soon as she meets with her always bubbly friend. Rachel walks out of her desk so she can hug her friend. She can imagine how she feels after the Sunday article and assumes it’s why she’s wearing a frown. More pictures surfaced this morning of her and Ethan in a baby shop which caused pregnancy speculations. Lisa hasn’t been keeping up with social media though, so she doesn’t know about it.
“How are you babe?” Rach asks.
“I’m fine, just sexually frustrated,” she whispers and the woman chuckles. The hug was exactly what she needed.
“I don’t want Nathan on your neck so you’ll tell me all about it during lunch. You and I have a lot to talk about,” she says then returning to her station. Lisa nods and walks towards the elevator. The looks she’s getting don’t surprise her and the gossip isn’t in whispers. She doesn’t pay much attention to the utterings though and instead drops her bags on her desk then walks to the kitchen to make Nathan’s coffee.
“How did you do it?” a woman she found in the kitchen asks her. Lisa looks at the woman with very high heels and lashes that are a bit long for the workplace. She seems to be in her thirties, a bit on the thick side with caramel skin.
“do what?” Lisa asks in irritation. She doesn’t usually entertain colleagues so even she’s surprised about her reply.
“Get Ethan to not only notice you but put a ring on it and plant a seed. You don’t even look like his type,” the woman says while scanning her up and down. Lisa only scoffs then retreats to Nathan’s office with his coffee. She knows better than to entertain office gossip. She wonders why she even bothered.
“I hear congratulations are in order. Ethan told me you’re having twins,” Nathan says after she puts his coffee on the table.
“Thank you, Mr Williamse,” Lisa says, sounding unsure. Her and Nathan have never talked anything personal so it’s a first for her.
“Relax Lisa. We’re paying lobola for you this weekend so you and I will be family soon.”
Nathan flashes her a smile which doesn’t last long, and she nods, stepping out of his office. The breakfast Ethan orders arrives after about an hour and she eats while working. She has emails to reply to and bookings to make for Nathan’s incoming trip to Mozambique. He’ll be taking his wife, so she makes sure to book plane tickets, hotel suite and a car. She ends up skipping lunch, disappointing Rachel who was looking forward to their catching up. She promises to make it up to her though, looking forward to her brother’s coming. She knows there’s no way he’d miss her lobola negotiations so he’s going to be there.
“I had to come see you”
The words have her halting her typing on her iMac and looking up to find a familiar woman.
“Excuse me?”
“why?” the woman asks Lisa who’s just staring at her, seemingly unaffected while her heart is bleeding.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Lisa says, and the older woman fights the urge to slap her cheek. She knows her husband would flip but she also doesn’t care.
“No idea? Bitch, you know who the hell I am. You just robbed me of my husband and my kids a father and you’re just sitting there acting innocent? You know what I’m talking about!” Amo bellows.
“I’m sorry ma’am but I do not appreciate you disrupting my work,” Lisa says and this time, she really slaps her. The slap echoes through the floor which catches the attention of the floor receptionist who takes out her phone to discreetly film. “I’m going to assume that the burning on my cheek was a mistake because I do not react kindly to violence. This is my workplace and I believe I have the right to work peacefully.”
“Who the hell do you think you are?!” Amo bellows and before she can launch onto Lisa, Nathan restraints her.
“That’s enough Amo.” He drags her to his office so as to calm her down while Lisa goes to resume her work like nothing happened.

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