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She had to be content before going home and she was. The first thing she does when she gets in her room is start packing her stuff just in case. She knows how unpredictable her husband is, but something tells her she won’t like the decision he might make. What if he chooses another woman over her and their two kids? How is she going to raise them alone when they’ve gotten accustomed to having both parents plus a bonus, Lexy. Remembering Lexy, Amo begins to wonder if she knows about what they’re husband has been up to. Why did Miranda go to her and not the second wife? Was she the only one kept in the dark about this? she halts her packing and decides to go knock on the redhead’s door. Their husband had thought it’s best for each woman to have their own room since they didn’t want to share the same bed with him. He only gets to sleep alone on one day, but it has been more for some months.
“Geez Amo, have you seen the time?” Lexy asks as she rubs her eyes, letting the woman into her room.
“I need you to draft divorce papers for me. since our dear husband has decided to take another wife, I’m eliminating myself from this mess,” Amo says and that erases whatever drowsiness had been left on Lexy.
“He’s decided to what?!” Lexy asks in shock.
“I knew something like this would happen the minute I accepted you. I knew they’d be more after that but stupid me still stayed. Well, my love for him won’t be enough for me to stay. I want out,” Amo says then turns to Lexy. “Are you going to help me?”
“Did you read the marriage contract you signed?” Lexy asks.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Amo asks, bewildered.
“Because there’s a high chance of you walking out with nothing Amo and you might even lose custody of your kids. Is that what you want?”
“That’s why I’m hiring you as my divorce attorney. I’m pretty sure you’ll come through for me,” Amo says, making Lexy snicker.
“You want me to go against our husband Amo? Is that what you’re asking?” Lexy asks and she nods.
“He’s taking another wife Lexy, open your eyes. Three is a fucken crowd!” Amo bellows.
“I know. I just… I can’t believe he’s taking another wife and didn’t bother telling us. Where did you get this?” Lexy asks, turning to the thick woman.
“Bloody Miranda. She’s running a front-page tomorrow that has that assistant bitch and Ethan. He took her to bloody Sun City to propose. Can you believe that? I knew there was something fishy with Cape Town and my bet is, his devious twin knew about it. I thought Ethan is the sensible one but I was wrong. we should both leave,” Amo says.
“Both leave?” Lexy asks and she nods.
“Ethan is going to keep doing this Lexy. If we accept her than trust me when I say there will be more. If he were to lose the both of us then there’s no way he’d be happy with her. he’ll easily get bored with just one wife,” Amo continues.
“I love him Amo,” Lexy says.
“Do you think he cares? What he did was selfish. He chose to go outside of two marriages and fuck around then had the guts to ask the woman to marry her. I’m sorry but there’s no way I’m having my kids in that mess. How will I explain a new woman whom they might see their father kissing and all that bull? Worse someone younger who doesn’t even have a child. Who’s to say she won’t mistreat our kids? I’m sorry Lexy but I cannot take that risk. Not with my kids,” Amo says while wiping her tears. Lexy thinks about it for a moment. she got in knowing she’d have to share so she knew what she’s getting herself into. She also knew the possibility of another like her coming in but she hadn’t expected it this soon. Could she really walk away? She loves Ethan and unlike Amo, she can’t imagine her life without him. She doesn’t even see herself as a single mother.
“I have to process this,” Lexy says and walks to the door. She opens it wide and Amo getting the message, rolls her eyes and retreats. She wishes she’s gotten through to Lexy because according to her, Ethan doesn’t deserve the both.
The one thing that sucked about the place was that it doesn’t have any signal so Lisa couldn’t receive or make any calls/texts. The only thing she can do is take pictures, more of Ethan than herself. Sunday goes so fast that soon, Ethan is parked in her apartment building and she’s sulking. She doesn’t want him to go yet understand that he must. He can’t afford to miss dinner since he wants to talk to his first wife and since he’s also missed his kids.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Ethan says then kisses her briefly. He also kisses her ring finger then her stomach. “We have that doctor’s appointment during lunch. I don’t know about you but I’m excited”
Before Lisa can reply, her phone rings. She’d even forgotten about the device. It’s her mother, someone she hadn’t spoken to in a while. With a smile, Lisa answers the call.
“Where the hell are you Monalisa? I’ve been waiting in your apartment for hours now!” she asks, sounding angry which astounds Lisa.
“Did I do something?” the daughter asks, trying to understand the reason for her mother’s bellowing.
“Are you even asking?! Are you with that man who has two wives? If yes, then your ass better come here with that son of a bitch. There is no way my daughter is going to be third best. Over my dead body!”
“You…you know? Did…did Banele tell you? But he…he doesn’t know about the wives,” Lisa says in a panicking voice. Her mom is probably the only person she’s scared of.
“Banele? So, he knew and kept quiet about this?! you made front-page dammit so you better come here and explain this shit. I won’t leave this apartment until you’re here!” Oluhle rants then hangs up the phone.
“She says I made front-page,” Lisa says before turning to Ethan who has his jaw clenched. Lisa’s phone is loud so he heard the entire conversation. He knows now that not only does Lisa’s mother know, but most of the world which means his wives know. He’s more worried about Amo and what she’s going to do. he hopes it’s nothing drastic and that she’ll at least hear him out.
“I have to handle this,” Lisa whispers. Ethan cups her face and turns it to his.
“Don’t you worry, OK? I’ll handle this,” Ethan says. Lisa looks into the eyes which somehow gives her strength and she nods.
“I’ll handle my mother. You don’t have to come in with me. you guys will meet some other time,” Lisa says. The man kisses her lips for some time then her forehead before finally letting go of her face. he opens the door for her and only drives off when she’s inside. When she’s by her door, Lisa takes a deep breath then opens the door. She’s met by a slap right after she closes it which has her ear ringing.
“Third wife Lisa?!”
The tears fall when she sees the belt her mother is holding. Oluhle has never, not even once hit her so she’s scared before impact.
“Mama it…it’s not that,” Lisa says but the raging mother doesn’t listen. Memories of Lisa’s father leaving her for another woman crosses her mind but what hurts her is remembering the moment he’d wanted to take a second wife. She’s oblivious to her only daughter’s screams as she hits her one, two, many times.
Ethan calls Nathan on the drive to his house, hoping he’ll give him the answers he wants.
“The Williamse polygamist,” the twin answers. “You made front-page. You know, Miranda wouldn’t be always after you if you hadn’t done what you did to her years back. She’ll forever be a scorned woman,” then he laughs.
“How bad is it?” Ethan asks, completely ignoring his replica’s humorous statement.
“Filthy bad. It seems like Miss M isn’t the only one after you. Whoever gave her the scope must have been following either you or Lisa for a while,” Nathan says.
“So, they have our history?” Ethan asks.
“Seems like it. It’s nothing that can’t be fixed because at least you’re getting married so she wouldn’t be just a fling. They go on to talk about her ex and make her seem like some sort of gold digger. It’s dirty,” Nathan says. “No, it must be more about Lisa.”
“So she has enemies?”
“Seems like it. Are you on the way home?” Nathan asks.
“Yes. I have to handle Amo but I’m worried about Lisa. Her mom called her and the woman sounded angry”
“Was she shouting? Your woman doesn’t like being shouted at” Nathan says.
“How do you know that?” Ethan asks and the twin laughs.
“Might be the only thing I know about her that you don’t. Jessica is mad at you by the way. she thinks you seduced Lisa,” Nathan says then chuckles.
“Oh fuck you,” Ethan says then hangs up.

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