Chapter Twenty-Six - Christmas Trip With The Loser Team

Start from the beginning

"You're right. Now, I have a lot of back-ups when it comes to scolding you with your recklessness." She teased.

"You're a meanie, Nee-chan." I pouted.

*Knock, knock*

Nee-chan stopped unpacking and answered the door, "Oh, Kaname-san. Do you need anything?"

"Yuu-chan and I were planning on snowboarding together with Tsu-chan and Nastu-chan. Would you two like to join us?" Kana Nii-chan offered.

"Of course! But I should change clothes first, I don't this my attire is appropriate for snowboarding." I pointed out.

"Alright then, we'll be waiting at the lobby." Kana Nii-chan said and left.

"Don't worry Nee-chan, I'll be done in a moment," I assured and rushed towards the toilet.

"Be careful, Lisa. You might slip," She shouted from the room.

"I will!"

After I have finished changing my clothes, Nee-chan and I went straight to the lobby where Kana Nii-chan and the others were waiting for us. Before we could do any snowboarding exhibition, Yusuke-kun accompanied us to the rental shop of snowboards since he knows what is best when it comes to snowboards.

"Wow, Nee-chan look! That guy did an amazing stunt!" I pointed at the guy who manoeuvred into a backflip.

"Amazing!" Nee-chan exclaimed.

"Neko-chan! Don't do anything extreme like that, okay? I wouldn't want my Neko-chan to be injured," Tsubaki Nii-chan pouted as he clings into my arm.

"Of course I won't be doing such things, I don't even know how to snowboard," I replied.

"Don't worry, Lisa. I'll be teaching you guys to snowboard," Yusuke-kun said confidently.

"Thank you, Yusuke-kun!" Nee-chan and I thanked him.

"Tsubaki, would you like to join me at the advance course?" Natsume Nii-chan asked as he walked towards us.

"No thanks," Tsubaki Nii-chan replied coldly. "I can never follow your pace anyway. I'll just stay here in the service area,"

'Wow, that was awkward. What's wrong with Tsubaki Nii-chan?'

"Now, let's go, we won't reach the top if we don't start moving now!" Yusuke Nii-chan exclaimed and led Nee-chan and me to the top.

Natsume Nii-chan went to the advance course instead and said that he'll follow soon. Kana Nii-chan also said that he'll follow, he just needs to talk to a client first.

"Just make sure that your heel makes a small gap. Lift it a bit like this and bring it down," Yusuke-kun taught Nee-chan and me.

"Lift it, then down..." Nee-chan and I did what Yusuke-kun said.

"Strap the belt around your ankle tightly," He said and he strapped Nee-chan's while I did mine. "This ski slope is rather unsteady so it can get dangerous. Once it is done, do you want to try by yourself?"

"You'll be guiding us, right?" I asked.

"Of course," He assured.

"How it is? I think it is still a bit too loose..." Nee-chan said as she tried adjusting her footing.

"It's fine," He assured and then the snow was shoved towards him. "Ah!"

"Natsume-san!" "Natsume Nii-chan," "Natsu-nii!"

"You three are not gonna be sliding down yet?" He asked as soon as he came to a stop in front of us.

"We are still in the middle of preparing!" Yusuke-kun scoffed.

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