{11} At night and at day

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Hey guys, the big guns are coming, it's gonna be long but since I feel bad for not updating that much, I will put this short oneshot in here

Russia was gulping the coffee down his throat while he was doing his work, he's really tired but he wanted to help America

He felt the bitterness of the black coffee, he doesn't like the taste, but it's for America, the poor boy has been working day and night just for him and Russia

He puts the sensation aside and work instead, but unfortunately, America woke up and he sees Russia sitting there in the dark with a light lamp pointing at the paperwork

America began to feel worried so he called out for Russia

"Rus...dont you want to sleep? Its my work afterall, and I miss the bear warm huggie when we are sleeping.." America said in a hushed and childish tone, he just woke up to do his work but his husband is working for him instead, and that confuses him

"But...I want to help you..I just clean and make food, while you're working your ass off.." Russia clearly was worried about his husband, but America waved it off

He lightly smiled and slithered his arms around the Russian neck, and hug him for behind, he lightly kissed at the neck and chuckled

Russia shivered from the small sensation on his neck, he knew America knows that its his sensitive spot, so Ame always tease him for it

"Stoooop...." Russia cooed and kissed America's forehead

"Im really flattered Rus, im really am, but you do your thing and I do my thing, kay?" America said in a hushed tone "for now lets sleep.." Russia pouted and stubbornly denied the offer

"No" America was suprised that Russia said that, he began to blush since Russia was actually worried for him

America sighed and crossed his arms "fine, no soft kisses in the morning then" Russia perked up from this order, and looked at America

Russia began to cling on America and was fake crying

"Okay okay! Please don't ! Lets go to bed" Russia grabbed his wrist and began to leading him down to their room

America then flop onto the mattress, and opened his arms for Russia to hug him

Russia then hug him and protectively hold him under his arms, he feels content that he can close his eyes now, but after drinking that much coffee, he can't sleep, but since America is here with him, he can sleep peacefully


Russia cannot sleep at all, he wants to get up and pee since he had drink too much coffee, but he doesn't want to bother his partner whos protectively tucked in his arm's

Russia didn't want to wet the bed so he pushed America gently and quickly go to the bathroom

After he's done, he took a shower since its almost 6AM , then America woke up from the sudden noise, he was suddenly cold and want to grab Russias arm but theres no one's there

Then America opened his eye and see that no ones actually there, he gets up and go to the bathroom but he can't since Russia was taking a shower, America wants to take a shower with him but got kicked out of the shower when Rus is showering cause of last time they showered together

Let's say...They had gone dirty

Ahem..well, anyways, after what Russia has done for him, he wants too do something for Russia too

He has to clean and cook...

cleaning and cooking is not his forte, and when he last cook was 10 years ago before Russia came into his life, he always cook bacon and his homemade special pancakes

He wonder... before Russia came, what was he actually doing? He waved off the thought and go back to his main goal

America then changed into more comfortable clothes, and go downstairs

He cleaned the table with a wet cloth, and prepared the forks and spoon and plates

He grabbed the apron that Russia always use when he's cooking and grabbed the pan

He still remember all the ingredients of his homemade pancakes that he always made

And cook them of course

[Idk about cooking pancakes]

~time skip~

Russia then dressed up in a red sweater and went downstairs to cook, but too his surprise, America was eating his breakfast that he, himself had cooked

Russia was confused, why did ame made breakfast he thought, he pokes America's shoulder , and America looks behind him, and sees Russia looking all puzzled

"Ame...why did you cook, ive could've done it by myself y'know?" Russia crossed his arms and tilted his head, America then smiled, he loves his husband so much

"You did my work so I did yours, simple as that!" America grinned at Russia, and Russ began to blush, he kissed his partners forehead and said a little thanks

Russia then sat infront of America, and began to eat the pancakes

It was actually delicious

America was sweating, hard, its his first time in years cooking for someone

Russia then began to eat all of the homemade pancakes quite fast

the pancakes was actually really delicious than he thought it would be, he feels delight

"So how was it??..." America then looked at Russia insanely, and Russia grinned " it was so good! I never thought it would be that good... coming for you" Russia snickered and America pouted

" I know im not that good but dont judge me!" America ego began to rise, and Russia sighed, he likes- no

He loves his little gremlin so much

Russia then stand up, washing his hand and wiped his wet hands by cloth

Russia hugged his little gremlin from behind

And said

"I would never lived if you didn't come to my life, I love you ame.."

"I love you more rus.."


900+ words, I hope its great enough QwQ

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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