{5} stargazing

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Sooo...I will stop writing this oneshot until theres 10 of them, this is just the practice of my writing skill, cant wait to get it done :3

No one's POV

America was sitting there, on the hill that he had climbed on, he was stargazing, he loves all the star in the space and he wants to be an astronaut one day

He went here, cause he and his now ex boyfriend had fought, they broke up and america was left in despair, stargazing makes him calm, cause at night the air was fresh and the night sky is beautiful

He knew that he was in a toxic relationship but he doesnt want to be alone, he hates being alone, it makes him depressed in ways that he cant described, well what about his friends? They went to other university or college, america never went to college, he is a business man now, somehow he is smart, but he wants to be an astronaut not a business man, I guess its better than nothing

Then america hear some footsteps, he doesnt care if they killed him he just don't wanna be alone

"Oh! Hello...what are you doing here?" Someone, with a thick accent ask america

"Oh?...its personal..sorry I dont wanna talk about it" america looked at the man beside him,

"Oh well...I just came here because it remind me of my best friend..." the man beside him looks sad and looked like he wanna cry

"Im so sorry for your loss..!"

"Wait, no no no he didnt die...he is...like a fake best friend, I- I just...im a lonely person...people avoid cause I..look ...very
threatening?" The man looks very confused of his choice of words, he never knows english that much

"Well...for me your not,my name is america whats yours?"

"Oh im russia..look a shooting star? Do you have any wish to make america?"

America think, what his wish is gonna be, "I have one!" He finally said

"What is it?"

"Im not gonna tell you! If I tell you my wish aren't going to come true"

"You're bubbly all of the sudden,"

"OH I AM?! Im so sorry ill be sad for now on" america looked away from the slav, beginning to feel embarrassed

"You dont need to be sad all the time you can be happy..." the russian looked back at the sky above him

"Isnt it lovely? You can see the stars from far away" the russian said, amused, seeing the star and finally,someone to talk to

"Its nice...I havent talk to anyone in years, and sometimes I think, how am I still alive?" He sighed

"You okay? Do you need any comfort?"

"Nah, I dont cooperate with feelings, even hugs, so dont okay?"

"Okay! Well I hope I see ya again!"

"I hope so too ame.. I hope so too"
America walked off and climbed off the hill and go back to his apartment

Russia looked at the star, "hope your happy dad..." he smiled and slept there, in the hill that he climbed on, wind almost blowing his ushanka off, his face was hit from the cold air and he fall asleep immediately

Time flew by , america and russia are spending more and more time together

They have picnics in the middle of the night, talking about stars in the middle of the night, and maybe snuggle in a thicc blanket that america have

America was slowly and surely falling inlove with russia, and vice versa

America has getting over his now ex boyfriend for 10 months, it takes long to recover cause ame and his ex boyfriend had a relationship for over almost 2 years

Then one day,Russia was gonna confess to america and his anxiety is killing him

"Okay...okay rus..you can do this! YOU CAN DO THIS!" Five minutes later "I CANT DO THIS!"

"Oh no...what if..what if he doesnt like me?! What if he likes somebody else!? WHAT IF OUR FRIENDSHIP IS BROKEN?! OH NOOOO" Russia is panicking alot

He has no one to comfort him, cause he is living alone and doesnt have friends, so thats why he is anxious

Same for america, but he has someone to comfort him


"Big bro! Can you talk slower please? I cant understand you if you're talking fast" america looked at canada face and take deep breaths and exhaled

"So...ive met this person in this cool place and uh..weve been besties now, and I dont wanna destroy our friendship! I just...cant seeing him out of my life! China never make me feel things before and I just...dont want that feeling to end can-can, what am.I gonna do?" America looked at Canada, almost want to spill the tears, in the corner of his eyes you can see little bit of water

"Big bro! Dont worry, I know that whatever this person is, he is too kind to not be your bestfriend and I think he loves you too!"

"are-are you s-sure"

"Im sure"

Then came to the day that america and russia will confess to eachother, Russia is anxious and america too but got a little bit of hope

America and Russia climbed the hill and they both saw eachother

Russia smiled, waving at america

America softly smiled, and waved too

They sat down next to eachother and both looked at the star, no speaking just comfortable silence

"Hey...meri?" Russia broke off the silence

"Yeah rus?" America looked fondly at Russia

"I have...a confession to make...uh"

"What is it?" Russia sit there completely silent, scared and anxious about everything

"I-i...I..li-" goddammit why is it hard russia thought

"You l-li-li?" Russia hits america shoulder playfully and giggled

"Oh..,.its nothing.."

"Wait! I wanna know!"

"Uh...I like...you" Russia mumbled, did america hear that right?

"Wait? What"

"I...I LIKE YOU, YOU DUMBA$$! I LIKE YOU SO MUCH THAT I WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN, I LIKE YOU I LIKE YOU! I LIKE YOUR SOFT LIPS, LOOKING VERY INVITING, I WANT TO SEE YOUR EYES EVERYDAY! I JUST WANNA SEE YOU! I like you...america...do you like me back?..." Russia looked at america, ame was silent, is this a dream? America thought

Russia heard nothing and thought that america doesnt like him

"Oh...uhm...just forget it yeah?..." russia looked away, threatening to spill a tear under his eyes

"I like you too rus"

Russia looked at america, disbelief in all of his facial expression

"Are...you joking?"

America groaned " no I am not ruski, I like you than anything else in this world" then america grabbed his neck and forcely kissed him

It was a weird kiss but hey! First kisses are bad! (I know ame already has his first kiss)

Russia was in complete shock, and slowly shut his eyes and put his arms around america's hips and deepened the kiss

They pulled away

" my wish came true~...thank you rus, dont leave me okay?"

"Okay, ame'.... I will never"
--- ------

booOooom! This one is the longest one yet! 1000+ words baby!!!!sleepless nights will be fineeee!

~Oneshot Rusame~Where stories live. Discover now