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Earth 1916: (Y/n)'s POV

The cool fall breeze ruffles my hair and sends a slight tremor down my spine. The grass feels soft under my hands. The warmth of the sun warms my cheeks.

I close my eyes just listening to the wind blow around the dried leaves.

Faintly I can smell the sent of freshly baked apple pie.

The neighbor must be baking.

Mother always baked for us, cookies when we're feeling sad, beignets whenever we had something to celebrate.

A soft sigh escapes my lips. Sometimes I miss mother dearly, I wonder what she would think of me now that I'm older. Not to mention also a witch.

I frown, probably best she died when I was little.

The sound of footsteps approaching and a shadow appearing above me, draw me from my thoughts.

I peek one eye open to see Eris, my sister, younger by about a year. Her wild tossed hair frames her (s/t) face. She plops down next to me.

I sit up and look at her. My hand goes to the leave stuck in her hair, carefully I pull it out and let the wind take it away.

"What's wrong Eris, you're never this quiet unless you have something on your mind." I say.

She sighs, and I notice a single tear roll down her cheek. "Da." Is all she says and I know immediately what happened.

I wrap her in a hug and run my fingers through her hair as she sobs on my shoulder. I gently take her arm and roll up the sleeve, exposing the bruises and cuts inflicted by our "father" moments ago.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. These should be on me, I never should have left you alone with him." I say as I slowly examine the wounds.

"Don't say that (y/n)! You've taken so many blows for me. The pain isn't that bad I promise." She winces slightly as I pull the sleeve back down.

"I'm gonna kill him." I mutter.

"I'm okay (y/n), I promise."

-time skip 3 years: 1919:age:16 -






The children surround me. All pointing and shouting names at me. I feel a small trickle of blood where she slapped me, the school bitch. Margret Heathen.

She stands surrounded by her little girl group. They are glare at me like I'm some kind of monster.

Maybe I am. Only a monster stalks at night.

Silently I lift myself to my feet and pick up my discarded books. Without showing an emotion I turn and walk away from them all.

Little did I know miss Margret followed me.

"Where you going witch?" She spat. Her two friends giggling with her.

I don't respond as I keep walking.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" She shouts as I continue to ignore her.

I'm pulled off balance as my hair is yanked back. I wince as I hear some of it rip.

"Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to ignore those who are talking to you? Oh wait you're mother is probably in Hell for giving birth to a child like you."

Her words stung.

"You should just die like your sister."

That was the final straw. I glared at her. I threw my books to the ground. "Shut the hell up and stay away from me!" I yell.

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